Republican Candidate Promotes VIOLENCE In Campaign Ad

Jim Lamon has released a wild west a style ad, in this commercial he and his constituents are shooting at democrat look-alikes.


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  1. Oh the horror — so traumatizing! The average cartoon has more violence in it and it's just a real. Dems are so weak and sensitive it's pathetic.

  2. Is Jim Lamon telling voters he will only represent white Arizonans? It wasn't a very sharp image on my screen, but it looked like not one of the townsfolk were anything other than Caucasian. I'm pretty sure Arizona has access to actors who're Native American, Hispanic, Black, Asian, etc. but perhaps none of them were willing to sink low enough to appear in this ad. 😉 I'm they didn't intend for everyone in town to have ancestors from the same continent.

  3. You never thought to ask if the guys wife was onboard with him making this ad? Nope, yall just using it as ammunition to hate on him. Total non violent ad, if anything its anti violent, he disarms the gang?? Ask cathy griffin how it feels to jold a severed head? Thats ok apparently and totally not violent

  4. I find it funny that anybody thinks of the Republicans is a legitimate political party anymore considering they were caught red-handed trying to overthrow democracy as far as I’m concerned every fucking one of them should be in prison

  5. I'm an Arizona independent and I approve the ad. Crazy eyed Pelosi OMG 🤣… Shooting a weapon out of someone's hand, not very violent. I guess the old westerns and fighting bad guys is out of style. Blazing saddles was just too much action for you two.

  6. Gary Chambers is the GOAT of political ads, smoking weed on camera and burning a confederate flag. This ad looks like a some independently made Mormon movies I saw bits and pieces of when I worked at a movie theatre in Utah.

  7. This man is a nut and what he's doing and saying could embolden another right wing nut to go on a rampage and start killing people. This is the sad state of where the once great Republican Party has
    devolved to. I will never vote for a Republican again. In an effort to win elections the Republican Party has started condoning extreme violence against the public at large. There's no doubt in my mind that Donald Trump has been one of the main reasons for these violent people to resort to these actions . When a big
    politcal party defines itself as one person then you throw away civil political
    discourse and you can't have different points of veiw. The start of anarchy is next . Everything has to
    be approved by the BOSS.
    This is where the Republican party is today.
    A party of cowards.

  8. They don't care is right and there clearly living out childhood fantasies that's what I'll never get about right wingers and there let's go back to the better simpler time what when they were 5 you can't go back to be a child and this is coming from someone in the abdl community so I just don't get what they want cause the world is simpler and better when we didn't have the weight of it on our shoulders but that's kind of the point of growing up to become responsible and empathetic to others a brother's suffering claims a brother's pitty

  9. With tensions in the Ukraine and the protests in Canada. Now would be a good opportunity for trumps Republican party to start their Civil War in the United States. See something say something you know who they are.

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