LITERALLY THE ONLY CBD YOU NEED | NuLeaf Naturals Multicannabinoid +a lesson on cbd, cbc, cbn, & cbg

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  1. I am enjoying your channel and you are making me think more about my smoke.👏👍👌 I am subscribing now because I want more of your charm😘 wit and 🧠brains. I suffer from depression. I need your info. At 65 I need help👄 Thank you for sharing with us❣

  2. CHALLENGE: I have a life term Neuro disease and I have been trying to figure out a new was of taking benifts of these camanoids. I need an all over body high that helps with pain and sleep that will not trigger my anxiety. I live in MS so we just now passed the medical weed but have not started getting it in progress. If anyone reading this knows something pleas help I don't want to be put on pain pills.

  3. Have you replaced your Crappy's with this company?? Asking because I started using Crappy's thanks to you and am almost due for another order. Would you recommend this company over them?

  4. I started CBD about 2 years ago. I have high anxiety, panic attacks and social anxiety. I use 2 droppers a day and WOW, my daily stress levels went down almost zero. Doesnt help with pain. I still have social anxiety and some panic, but no where near what I had. CBG is a godsend. it helps with pain. I went an entire period cycle with NO advil or Tylenol needed. I also take CBG for headaches and they help but not soley on its on.

  5. Thank you so much for this, Chrissy! As someone who has Fibromyalgia, I am using daily cannabinoids to help with sleep and pain. I am so happy that you tried this out for a month and let us know how it worked for you. I will definitely be picking this up! Thank you for teaching me about CBG and CBC! I did not know a lot about those. I do currently use CBD and CBN gummies, mints, or tinctures. I cannot wait to pick this up. I will be ordering it on Friday, when I get paid. LOL! I will also let you know how it is working for me after a few weeks! I'm so excited! Thank you!

  6. ooo I want to try this out! Seems like an awesome product & brand. Has anyone tried Better High? It's a different concept than this product, but supposed to be a supplement for your ECS. I heard about it on Leafly, but haven't tried it out and wondering if it's a good product.

  7. Love when you take us to school! Excited to look more into it, check out their COA’s and products. Also, in the quick peek I took at the website, I was very excited to see an oil for pets!

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