SUPPLEMENTS (that actually work)

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    (don’t miss their huge sale they’re having now!)
    Perfect Amino
    Perfect Calm
    Intestinal Cleanse
    Complete Multi

    Herbal Reset Tea
    Yoni Steaming Blend
    Balance Bac
    Heart Healer
    Spirit Soother
    Respiratory Rescue

    Beef Liver Pills
    (use code TRIBE10 for 10% off)

    Electrolyte Balance

    Panacea Shilajit
    Vitamin E

    (use code: EARTHMAMA for 20% off)

    Microbiome Guard
    Elderberry Immune
    Soothe Your Throat
    Parasite Cleanse
    Brain Juice
    Natal Nourish
    Mane Magic
    Digestive Juice
    Adrenal Recovery

    (use code: earth mama for 20% off!)

  2. No human being needs to take this crap! Eat healthy, exercise and have a check up once per year. This is all bullshit! I’m tired of these YouTubers who don’t know anything about health ( but think they do) manipulating their followers to buy products they don’t need so they make money from us!
    Earth mama medicine none of this crap work. People are not stupid! Just teach people how to naturally be healthy and stop trying to sell crap to us!

  3. I take the ancestral supplements thyroid+liver and I'm telling….. I'm in tears at how it has completely turned my health around. I've been losing my hair for 7 years due to hypothyroid. My Dr took me off the prescription because it was 'normal' results after my last blood test. I happened upon this brand and I'm on the path to healing. I added the fish eggs they offer due to it being like a multi. And I'm glad that the Dr took me off the prescription because ancestral supplements thyroid supplements has done more for me in the few short months than the levothyroxine ever did.

  4. i never really leave comments but i just HAVE to say thank you, just thank you for the knowledge and wisdom you share you are such a gem and let’s not begin on the beautiful energy you radiate. you’ll always have my support and love ✨ such an inspiration ❤️

  5. This is the third time I’ve come back to this video because there’s so much info and I pick up on something new each time for different needs I may need.

    After the first time watching, I ordered ParaPro and the Natal Nourish tincture – both are amazing ! I started the parapro cleanse and I could feel my body was loving it – it was also a huge push to eat a cleaner diet and be more mindful of everything I’m ingesting. I had to stop once I fell pregnant because I’m not sure if I should be doing a cleanse or not while pregnant. The natal nourish I actually got to help with my hormones and let me tell you, I LOVE this product. It somehow gave me so much energy and I really feel it has helped balance me out 100%. I don’t know if it’s related or not, but a couple weeks after taking it (and yoni steaming for three days after my cycle), I became pregnant! I plan to continue taking this through my pregnancy and post partum.

    I’ve also been taking mothers best liver pills for a few months now and those will remain in my daily regimen long term.

    The Shilajit has been on my radar since first watching this video but I wasn’t ready to take the splurge. Well.. I have been totally exhausted the first several weeks of my pregnancy and am feeling desperate! So after reading that shilajit has been used for pregnancy for centuries in Ayurvedic practices, I jumped on it! Unfortunately this brand was sold out and I was readying another brands info on using this during pregnancy – they only had the actual shilajit resin in stock so I went for it. I then read that it’s best if mixed with ghee and honey .. then to read that it is absolutely amazing, paired with chyawanprash so I ordered from the brand you recommended and am so excited to see how a tea of shilajit resin and chyawanprash to start my day will begin affecting my daily health and energy !! I will update once I’ve tried this for a week or so 😊

    Thank you so much for your content I have incorporated many of your recommendations over the years including actually feeling good about eating a more homestead type diet with pasture raised eggs, ghee, bone broth, and adding in liver (instead of feeling like I’m harming my body by eating animal products) – all the way to my yoni practice which has been life changing 💗💗

  6. Liver during pregnancy is dangerous, let alone 6 pills of it. Vitamin A is fat soluble, not water soluble, and too much vitamin A during pregnancy can lead to congenital birth abnormalities. This is dangerous information.

  7. I would love to hear your gut biome review and recommendations. I've been mostly plant based for a majority of my life and something has been seriously wrong lately.

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