Stage 4 Breast Cancer Vlog Health Update, Recurrence & Next Steps

Looks like there is active cancer in my body again. At least that’s what the CEA tumor marker blood test seems to say. In this video …


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  1. The old Joe Tippens Protocol helped many women with BC. I think delta tocotrienols are very important (and not to block them out with too much other stuff) in combination with curcumin 5 fold stronger than alone. Also Fenben often needs the Vitamin E to work at all.

  2. It’s a Happy Valentine’s Day because we get to see you ^^ It’s disappointing to see you sad today because you aren’t happy, but your honesty with us is so warm and beautiful. sends virtual hug

    I feel your supplements game is probably on point, based on your extensive research!!

    Are you still vegan, high fiber (with water), low gl, intermittent fasting over 14 hours? Dairy? Religious about this?

    I remember in a previous video you mentioned lectins, was wondering what you think of this 3rd guest speaker's thoughts.

    On exercise, I am a little curious on your thoughts as well as I know there are so many mysterious mechanism released during exercise. However, it’s a confusing set of rules when cancer is involved. You said before extra estrogen increases your type of cancer; it's know additional testosterone from exercise may produce IGF which may won’t help cancer…damned if you do, damned if you don't? Maybe you can thoughts on exercise?

    I only mention all this because the only time the CEA decrease trended downward was correlated with your timing on Zoladex if I recall ¿(don’t trust my memory), which I know close to nothing about except the vague idea of it’s ability to affect hormones. Hormones regulate our very cells.

    All that to say, food and exercise regulate my hormones/cells hardcore, so much that it’s actually visible on me.

  3. This is this. Things mean themselves. Love and peace to you. Please get and read Be Like Water My Friend by Shannon Lee, she's Bruce Lee's daughter. It is helping me.
    I am on level 2 treatment (Kadcyla) for mets that has gone to the brain and bone. I am recovering from a surgery where they inserted a titanium rod into my femur to keep it from breaking. So i am not in some other realm of life talking to you theoretically. I am right there with you. But i am finding that keeping my mental landscape healthy is the most important part of my path. I am not devoted to dying well or beating cancer. In that way i am an odd duck. Whatever providence sees fit to do with me i am ok with. But I am determined to learn everything there is to learn from this journey and i think you are similar in that. The book is a real master class for me.
    I am so grateful to you for putting these videos online. You are engaging life in a beautiful and compassionate way.

  4. Hey Ana! Thinking about you and sorry that you've had a resurgence of depression. It's really difficult to control anxiety and depression… especially scanxiety. I really admire your attitude. I'm about to undergo some more scans and biopsies next's not a fun process and you never get used to it.😐 Keeping you and your family in my thoughts ♥️😊

  5. Have you tried incorporating sauna to detox? I also own a vibration machine that uses sound wave energy to increase bone density and to help with clearing waste in the lymphatic system which is crucial to staying healthy.

  6. Stay positive and focus your energy on images of disease destruction. I know that’s easier said than done but know in your heart of hearts that cure is possible. My journey is very close to yours so you are not alone.

  7. Stay positive and focus your energy on images of disease destruction. I know that’s easier said than done but know in your heart of hearts that cure is possible. My journey is very close to yours so you are not alone.

  8. Thanks for sharing your journey…Your words and demeanor are encouraging to me, and I’m sure to many others who are in this fight. Still working…getting lesson plans ready? Wow…you go girl! Praying for you.

  9. Prima, toda tu familia de Ecuador esta muy pendiente de ti, y te deseamos lo mejor, por mi parte te mando mucha fuerza para superar por lo que estas pasando, te envio un abrazo muy grande de mi parte. Fernando Florencia

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