THC withdrawal symptoms from quitting weed are no joke. If you are trying to quit smoking weed you need to know what type of …


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  1. I'm currently 6 days sober and the flue like symptoms are rough, my stomach is awful but I'm gonna stick this out because I know it will be worth it on the other side.

  2. On day 13, anxiety ramped up over the last 3 days. Had a panic attack last Friday, didn’t go to hospital and was able to calm myself down after 45 mins. Thought I was having a heart attack! After 3 days since then I am very thankful the anxiety is lowering. Still have some time when my heart races and I get scared. But something that has helped is talking to my parents and brothers! Keeps my mind off of the restlessness. Thank you again for your help with everything Dr.!

  3. For me it was the anxiety. I was having such severe panic attacks it sent my blood pressure through the roof. Like 179/112 with HR 120. I was so scared I went to the ER. They did all the cardiac tests, ekg, bloodwork, X-ray and everything came back good. As for the other symptoms I had/have them all as I’m on day four and feeling a bit better. Night sweats, insomnia, loss of appetite, nausea, diarrhea, skin felt like it was crawling. Thank you for these videos as they have given me hope and has eased my anxiety.

  4. I had sleeplessness and shakes it wasn’t good but worth it then I fell in love with a girl who smoked and started again but broke off with her quickly and left me with my old habits here I am again about to go through this all again next month

  5. First week definitely sweating, anger and irritable. Had more fun being lost in my mind. Now I have to deal with reality the brain fog is real ppl. The feeling of what to do now…can become quite overwhelming! It’s even harder to quit when you really never had to pay for it in the first place. Stay strong!

  6. I know maybe its dumb question but can i start smoaking again and not get addicted couse desire is just too great. 5 month without thc but doesnt feel much better just miss it :/

  7. I just so happened to get sick and start throwing up for 48 hours starting the day I quit smoking weed. It wasn’t related to the weed of course, but as much as it sucked, I was really thankful for the distraction because I never noticed any withdrawal symptoms while my head was in a bucket. Nice.

  8. I ate just one Hometown hero brand gummy and it was the worst thing I've done in my entire life
    I had a severe psychotic break.  Hallucinations, illusions, psychoses, escrizophenia.  My heart was beating out of control and I almost had a heart attack.  I was totally disconnected from reality and even wanted to commit suicide.  I couldn't reason.  Fortunately I managed to remember that I had eaten this gummy minutes before and managed to let my husband know.  I spent the entire day having breaks from flare-ups that only stopped at the end of the day.  The next day I had several episodes of panic attacks and now I'm afraid that this drug will leave any sequel on my mind.  I want to share my bad experience and I think the effects of THC should be explained more on the packaging.  I practically almost died.  This all happened on January 19th and today 8 days later I still feel the effects of this drug in my body and I don't know what to do.  I ate just one gummy and it was my first time with that. This almost take my life.  
    I'm going to see a doctor this week to see if this drug has done any harm to my heart or mind.  I am really very worried.

    Please! stay away from edible THC 🙏🏼

  9. just smoked for 3yrs straight and am struggling to quit, am getting this fever stuff, my head hurts so bad, I feel like a have a serious fever, I thot it was covid but it keeps on attacking me, once in a while. like I get the attack twice a week, sometimes gets really bad to the extent of visiting a doctor. I don't know when this thing will end.

  10. I had depersonalization for about a month after I quit thc (carts) and I'm only now starting to get back to normal.

    Immediately after I quit it felt like I was viewing my life as if I were a video game avatar. Nothing truly felt real. I didn't feel like myself. I lacked empathy. I couldn't get joy or satisfaction from anything. I'd be driving in my car and I felt myself disassociate in a way, it was as if my sense of touch went out the window like I was in a conscious sleep state. I drove correctly, but it was almost like I forgot I was driving. I had to invest all of my focus in-order to feel safe beings the wheel. Mind you I was sober.
    I also recall early on that other people's faces gave me the creeps, strange to say. As if I didn't know how to process the face of a stranger. It gave me anxiety. Normally I'm a very socially confident person, I enjoy talking to and getting to know most people. So that was another thing that scared me. It became a miserable existence.

    I also experienced relentless insomnia, angry outbursts, and I tended to isolate myself from friends and family. I initially started using weed frequently at the end of high school out of pure boredom and admittedly as a coping mechanism for the lack of human social interaction I was receiving.

    For a while I was scared I wouldn't return to normal for a long time…but now well after a month of quitting I see a light at the end of this lonely dark tunnel.

    If you're struggling to quit, just know these symptoms will go away. Sleep when your body allows. Don't stress if you can't sleep. I still consider closing your eyes and relaxing your body rest, its better than scrolling on your phone all night isn't it? And even then during the day if you feel tired, sleep. If weed is such a miracle substance it shouldn't have these effects on your body. We need to learn to be comfortable facing our emotions with a sober mind. I hope my dopamine levels restore themselves soon. I've noticed they've began to increase weeks after my last session.

    Somethings that helped me out alot:

    Staying away from social media. It made me feel angry about various political situations that I'm powerless in, and as a result it made my mind spiral in either a fit of anxiety or rage.

    Exploring various new hobbies. I recently began gardening and I've only now realized how much I love nature and the beauty that comes with it.

    Get out into the natural world. Go for a walk in a local park at low traffic times. The peace and solitude of the natural world helped me feel more connected to the earth and I feel helped me reconnect with my soul. Right now it's -40 outside so I can't exactly do that, but once spring comes I'm definitely starting back up, even when I'm months deep into sobriety.

    Try staying out if the house, and if you're early in your recovering process find activities that minimize human interaction.

    I found those tips worked for me very well. Just know that the sensations you feel aren't perminent. I know right know all might feel hopeless, but I'm telling you this as a friend practically pleading with you that it will get better. Allow your brain to heal. When we're feeling ill we can't expect to snap our fingers and make the fever go away. We simply rest and take care of our body so we can feel well again. Treat the quitting process the same, only this time your body is your brain.

    Right now I can proudly say Im starting to feel joy once again. Not in the big things but the small things. A cup of coffee, a nice sunset, what have you. My brain is still healing but I'm beginning to reap the results of my discipline and I know you can achieve the same.

  11. I'm on day 10 of quitting after 8 years of smoking regularly and wow. I find myself depressed. And what frustrates me worse is that literally everything in my life is going well. I don't have a reason to be depressed but i cry when i'm alone. I love my job but it takes a lot for me to get up and go to work every morning. I hate this feeling and i think it's an experience i will always remember when i consider going back to smoking weed.

  12. Fuck i was smoking 3months straight and now i have serious heart palpitations,shortness of breath,chest pain,iritability,anger,probably all because of the anxiety that is left alone with me…when u r constantly high for some time your whole system needs to adapt to a new takes some time but it wll go away,workin out,deep breathin and cold exposure helps..

  13. i had never used a lot and i bought three black market carts and used them all within a week and this is the worst i have ever felt in my entire life

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