How I Got OFF BENZOS | Benzodiazepine – Alprazolam – XANAX

xanax #benzos #benzoswithdrawal #drugwithdrawal #withdrawalsymptoms #benzodiazepine #alprazolam After 10 years of use, …


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  1. Can you be more specific about your regimen. Did you say you were on it for 10 years consistently at .5mg? Was it Xanax and how did you taper specifically. Someone like you would certainly deal with withdrawal after 10 years even at a low dose. Thanks

  2. In France it's pretty difficult to stop Benzos, we are one of the most important country in Europe for Benzos users… Marijuana is the best alternative for me, stressless, better feeling, more talkative, less depressed, less under pressure and I love what I do when I'm taking MJ. But in France it's considerate like the devil on earth, at least you can buy at 18 all alcohol you want… The CBD was prohibited 2x but the EU said '' you can't prohibited CBD because of free exchange in Europa ''…
    The cold turkey made me very angry, for nothing… Noises, talking, people, depressive, anxious and you realised it but you are spectator of your life. Like in the Truman Show, 48h without Xan it's physical and you feel some muscular pain, irritability, nervous, bad, sad and your neck is painful…
    Stay safe and stay yourself nobody can judge you before to take this wrong way !
    Prenez soin de vous (take care of you 😉)

  3. Cold turkey in a "live in" treatment facility is the only way to go. Takes about 3 weeks. Tapering will only prolong the hell.
    Furthermore, one can drink moderately every day for a decade and be relatively fine after quitting.
    If you take Ativan or Xanax moderately every day for a decade you could seizure out and die easily.
    They're not the same in my opinion.

  4. Wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on Clonazepam I rlly would love to ween off & I see a psychiatrist she's always asking me if I want to ween off prob been on them for 12 years now. I say, No, only out of fear I get numb and dazed out & stuff like that if I do NOT have my Klonopin that's why I'm afraid to ween off. Although buddy I'd love to!!! Thanx lots for putting out your experience & this video it gave me something to really, really think about becuz, I'm only 33 & FORGET everything……… I have major memory issues now ;(
    Love & Light & blessings to you & everyone XX

  5. Good for you brother! Was hooked on in it for over a decade… was difficult but it's now been years. I did many many stupid things with it. I know how difficult it can be. It damn sure works for ANXIETY – I had NO ISSUES doing stupid things. However it took away a lot of things from my life. I'm proud of you, I know how difficult it can be. Keep up the good work.

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