323rd District Court Detention Hearings

This livestream is made available to provide access to court proceedings for the alleged victims of criminal acts that are within this …


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  1. 2 years into a Pandemic & they have no idea how to even use the zoom. I would be so pissed if I was the Judge! They LIVE there & could have been at the facility!
    I don't think I have seen such an in-ept CPS! Thank you Judge Porter for making them accountable!

  2. Judge Porter…I commend you on keeping your cool all the while addressing the blatant disregard these two workers showed not only the court, but to the child as well. Cannot believe that this would happen, such disrespect! Hats off to you sir!! 🎩

  3. If there were more judges like this one then alot more would be accomplished. 10/10. Only problem I have with the fine is that it should have been $186 as he waited 93 minutes not 90.

  4. Make it make sense! Two social worker streamed the wrong Zoom Meeting, with no assistance from the attorney or JPD Officer. They were also having technical problems and for this they were found in contempt? Last week a female juvenile cursed at him and he didn’t find her in contempt! He said he will see what Judge Kim has to say about it! WHAT? He acts like he is so high and mighty! I don’t like his arrogant attitude!

  5. Mad respect judge. It's nice to see somebody that has the power to take away people's kids feel what it's like to not do their job. I've seen kids taken away over marijuana. It sickens me because a parent that smokes weed would definitely be there for their kid. And the CPS agents that disagree don't have time.

  6. YES JUDGE PORTER!!!!!! YES!!!!!! THANK YOU for keeping CPS accountable to include those Caseworkers personally. Hopefully, this will give other workers some “act right” ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  7. Go Judge Porter! I see JPD, defense attorneys, county court employees, you Amazing Judges and staff at Kimbo, fighting for these kids in each one of the hearings I watch. And CPS seems to lack big time on showing up, or working to set up placements or plans. It seems like an issue for your current county. You did an absolute amazing job holding them accountable. That poor child having to wait as well, maybe not feel he will ever have any consistency. Not on Judge Porters watch!

  8. Sad to see all these moms without dads present.
    I feel like men are being replaced with government checks, vibrators, and a slew of new rotating boyfriends.

  9. Judge porter you are a bad ass!!! You are so patient and forgiving and I appreciate you holding those women accountable. Their behavior is absolutely unacceptable. You have the patience of a saint!!!!!

  10. I wonder if the two CPS employees made it to the courthouse in time (It's now 5:15pm!)

    Reference starting at 1:45:15 . Watch the child's reaction when he hears that the CPS employees are being fined $180 each ( 1:45:57 )

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