A Dreadlock Stereotype We Often Overlook.. #dreadlockjourney #tplocks

A Dreadlock Stereotype We Often Overlook.. #dreadlockjourney #tplocks Website: Promo Code: TPLOCKS …


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  1. I commented on one sister pic on a loc page, asked her what am I supposed to be looking at? Your locs or your tits, she said "boffum" πŸ€” growing up I viewed women with locs at high esteem, they were covered and had a certain energy that demanded respect just in their presence. Now the locs are a front for what they really want you looking at 😏

  2. Bro you be speaking the truth.. πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ Every time I get the time to watch one of your videos I am captivated by your Amazing Sense of balance and current culture.. . and you do it in the most TACTFUL WAY. .. Its hard to explain but I kinda get the same feeling when watching something with Issa Rae.. It’s having this Astounding way of saying or communicating something that is understood on multiple levels!!! and you do it SOOO SMOOTH BRO… πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ’―πŸ’―

  3. Dreadlocks have become the black male's answer to female wigs & lace fronts. Long exaggerated dredlock extensions, dyed in shades of blonde, reds, greens and blues, adorned with colorful beads like little girls, "baby hairs" plastered around their edges. Seriously guys?

  4. Alot of truth to this society in general is over sexualized you really cant get away from it unless you stop going on the net completely an find some remote island an live there an distance from it

  5. 100% agree. I used to follow #menwithlocs to see hairstyles, textures and accessories. But now a bunch of women have been using the hashtag and everytime I scroll through every third picture is ass πŸ˜‚

    I followed it to see clothing choices I could emulate but now I just see people with no clothes πŸ˜‚ which I'm not impartial to, but don't really wanna see it when I'm in public πŸ˜…

  6. Why are we OVER sexualizing our OWN hair. Nothing's wrong with sexual liberation of all walks of life. Especially in our community being black and having locs. I don't think ppl really see the damage that creates

  7. The problem is, there are no lines nowadays. You can go as far as you want,unfortunately. I don't think anyone is considering the generations coming behind us. As a woman, embracing your sexuality is a wonderful, empowering thing. It's just so important to understand that your body and your sexuality is not all you have to offer.

  8. Nahhh bro – not 'preachy' at all. Necessary and well said – especially the point about the need for more representational variety in our community. Where is the loced bro in a regular tshirt or button down with glasses and a nice smile?πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™‚οΈThas sexy too dammit lol
    Keep these vids and your smart, balanced and conscious (and funny) commentaries comingπŸ™ŒπŸΎ

  9. I completely agree! Sometimes I just want to see how people style their locs but can't see the locs for everything else. I don't hate the baby-oiled pecs but really, just want to admire the locs and the journey.

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