Marijuana Candy: FDA Warns Of THC-Infused Treats Reaching Children

A 3-year-old girl was hospitalized after consuming a treat infused with cannabis. As Halloween approaches, the Food and Drug …


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  1. I looked up this video because of a message I got on WhatsApp about a family whose children were given this stuff by guests who came to their house. The parents didn't even have a chance to see the packaging before the kids were handed it.
    Yes, we can go on about blaming the parents, but overall, I'm trying to understand how kid friendly companies allow such products to have their name branded on it?
    Personally, I try not to give my kids too much of the real sugary stuff because it's unhealthy, but if someone I knew were to hand them a treat that looks like a harmless candy, I wouldn't refuse.

  2. The people who are saying that it’s not a problem because nobody is giving away their drugs are wrong. The problem is that adults have the item in their house if a child sees it and thinks it’s candy they will eat it and overdose. Furthermore, because it looks like candy it is more easy for kids to bring into school and give to other kids and because it’s candy they will eat lots of it and die.

  3. Pure on-line gold calculators suggest me a value around 70+ $/g or 2220 $/oz t in Canada, now just try evaluate what's the same weight worth if pure THC instead…

    My bet is that this should justify extraction cost real plenty! So, who's still pretending anonymous/invisible dealers even feel philantropic this much during Halloween?? aHummm! Go wonder if you must.

  4. LOL! That would be expensive candy to hand out. Now if I had it I wouldn't be sharing that stuff. Alcohol is a lot cheaper. If media wants to Target pot smokers they ought to Target also the alcohol infused candies. What a joke our world is a joke. No actually it's some of the people in our world are pretty funny

  5. That mom must have no eyes. If she read the package that said THC infused candles. Of course it's scary to see a kid consume a THC infused candy but as the grown up ( the mom) should be able to distinguish between a regular candy ( that doesn't contain any Delta 8 or Cannabis) and a THC infused candy by reading the package.

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  7. C'mon now, lets be realistic. Edibles are expensive, and THC isn't dangerous. No one is going to give it to your children, and even if they did it wouldn't hurt them.

  8. Now…. you didn't know what "THC" was??? You just bought that $25 gummy candies, gave it to your daughter, and thought nothing of it? Or maybe you didn't hide your weed candy properly, and your daughter found it….

  9. Are we going to see adults start trick or treating now? No? Maybe because nobody could afford to hand that out. If it was given to your child, they were targeted or you were stupid.

  10. This is a bunch of BS. 1. Weed is expensive. No one is giving away their weed. 2. Weed products have clear warnings all over their packaging, and most if not all weed-containing products have child proof packaging. 3. It's the parents' responsibility to look over their kids' candy before they are allowed to consume it. That's what our parents always did.

    This is total clickbait.

  11. Lol you qre q bad mom if you are giving your kid a pack of apple jacks that have a redeyed cereal cartoon that says crazy stoned os and lucky no ones ever died from canny

  12. This is all bullsht misinformation. A packet of weed edibles is $10 a pack. Folks arent going around wasting hundreds of dollars to get your kids stoned. this in Munchausen Syndrome and someone needs to do something,

  13. Here we go again with this BS scare crap. Cannabis costs money you would have a better chance of finding a 5 dollar bill wrapped around a snickers. I do not totally believe in what they are saying about the child almost dying from cannabis. Plus they are saying people will buy cannabis infused candies and repackage them? That would take lots of time and money. Started with the razor blades so candy companies could get rid of the homemade competition then for some reason it went to LSD and ecstasy in the 80's.

  14. The sad thing is that the ' sugar' in that candy us more harmful and addictive than marijuana is. Why isn't the government doing something about that? Sugar kills, not pot.

  15. No one who is a actual cannabis user would give kids their edibles! Costs too much and gets put up 9 times outta 10..and if it was REAL THC she wouldnt of gotten so sick but because not all states will legalize REAL Marijuana they came up with this delta 8 crap and its not good for you at ALL

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