Is A 2nd Parrotlet Going To Steal My Tame Parrotlet? #parrot_bliss #parrot #best_parrot #parrotlet

You have a wonderful pet Parrotlet and you want him or her to have a friend. Will the friend steal your pet? Will your pet become …


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  1. My experience was my tame parrotlet stayed super tame and my new parrotlet was less tame because he bonded to my tame parrotlet but still stepped up and took treats, just didn’t want head scratches. My tame parrotlet is currently poorly, she ate a whole loofah parrot toy in just a couple of hours and it’s made her really sick. I’m not sure she’s gonna make it, she is on antibiotics and making progress, eating, preening but she has diahorrea still, she’s fluffed up and not as active as she was. Hoping she makes a full recovery.

  2. My male likes me ok but my female has never bonded with me. She actually enjoys biting me a lot. Now my male actually bites more now that my female gets ‘jealous’ if he hangs out with me. They now have 2 babies as of a few weeks ago, & I’m hoping that taming the babies will help out the parents. The CBD sounds like a good option, I’ll try it out.

  3. I completely agree with you. Two of my girls are very bonded. But, they still love to hang all over me. I have a friend with parrotlets and she has said the same thing. You are a font of great information. Thank you.😊

  4. So my parrotlets are both male, they preen each other's heads through the divider of the flight cage. They don't feed each other and if I have them out together the older one tries to peck the younger one.

  5. Nice follow on from your last Parrotlet video. This was something that worried me, but I took the plunge after watching and listening to you. You are right again LOL my original baby is loving still and likes to stay with me and make his pal know he is number 1 LOL. His little friend is copying him and it has been a faster process with her coming to me etc. Speaking has become harder to encourage him to keep up but I am still trying to get him to learn another word – who knows he may surprise me 🙂 I don't think this will be copied by his friend though, but that's ok All in all super little creatures who provide so much.

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