The Expanded Child Tax Credit is Over — What Happens Now?

The expanded child tax credit ended in December — here’s how it helped families during a difficult time » Sign up for our …


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  1. Just throwing it out there because it might help someone. If you get a large tax return every year talk to a tax professional or do the math yourself. You can set up your W-4 where not all your money is withheld. This way you get to keep more of your paycheck. You don't get the big tax return but if you are good about budgeting this might make ends meet just enough to pay off debt.
    Look up Dave Ramsey on this subject.

  2. You Fools wake up!! The child tax credit was just an advance on your 2021 taxes. It's the money you would have gotten already. The government didn't do you a favor by giving you extra money out of their own pockets. It's your money, that they choose to give you early. File your taxes, you'll have to claim the tax credit, then your tax return will be reduced by what they fronted you!! If the government really wanted to help, they would have continued to give stimulus checks to families, no strings attached.

  3. Child TAX credit clue is in the name not to pay off you're bad foolish debts. Who is paying for it? The FED can't go on printing money because it devalues the dollar the more dollars in circulation the higher something will cost that's called inflation if it gets out of hand you you will need a trunk full of 100$ bill's just to fill the car with gas. In the last year alone almost half of every USD ever printed took place that's why the price on things are up30% if you can't pay for your children you're self then why should someone else have to pay for them Through higher TAX rates? This is not the pairants fault it's biden and his foolish stimulus payments what did anyone think was going to happen free money for life? The world doesn't work like that imagine all of us had a money tree and everytime we needed something thing we just went to the tree /government and demanded cash money would be worthless as there wouldn't be any need for the person selling something because they would have a money tree. Economics it's no one's birth rights to have anything given to them that's why people work for a living the problem nowvis people have grown dependent on government hand outs they can't cope without them how did they manage before? So now the money as stopped and everything as gone up30% you start to get more poverty less money higher prices all thanks to money printing

  4. I was able to pay my bills when school and daycare shut down. I was forced to close my business 2 years ago and have no way to reopen. No clue how we will survive with no job or income.

  5. This is a huge reason why inflation is at its highest in 40 years! Y'all think that money the government was giving you is free?! 😂😂😂 There's no such thing as free when it comes to the government. And you might as well give up on the hope that Biden will pay off your student loan debts. He was against it in the past, all a sudden he was for it when he started running for POTUS, and why? To get y'all to vote for him! He's a career politician. He'll do and say anything to get your vote. Obviously he did just that. There's a ton of gullible people in this country.

  6. And … the Social Security COLA is worth less than it seems. It's not really keeping up with increased costs. I live in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. I'm on Social Security & SNAP. Yesterday I got a letter from the Commonwealth informing me that due to the $67 increase in my monthly Social Security my SNAP is being reduced by $30. There's no gain. I will soon be returning to the food pantry.

  7. dems or pubs dont care about the Americans the sooner we realize it the sooner we get rid of all of them and put in non career politicians

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