Congress Making Money On Illegal Insider Trading

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  1. Hey what do you expect. Congress is the poster child for the do as we say not as we do crowd. Graham is the first person i have seen cover the story about the senators dumping stock after the private briefing since the story was killed in the MSM. Seriously it was covered for like one day then we heard no more about it.

  2. The hospital beds have been deliberately reduced as Jimmy Dore repeatedly notes on his show. That’s why they’re overwhelmed. Not Covid. They were overwhelmed with flu before 2020 so stop lying, Graham. Profit is why they cut hospital beds from 1.5 million in 1975 to 919,000. ICU beds are a small fraction of that because they’re not as profitable for the private equity firms.

  3. Who stands to profit the most from the pandemic? It's still criminal corp Pfizer, which plead guilt & paid a $2B marketing fraud settlement in 2009 – then Trump handed em back $2B with the vax contract in 2020 .. Pfizer was the #5 most popular stock held by Congressmembers leading into the pandemic.

  4. Graham, you’re way off base on the treatments thing. Most of the treatments that are being advocated for are out of patent. Anyone could hypothetically make them. There is no stock boom to be had at that point. It strictly comes down to whichever pharmaceutical company is able to get their literature in front of doctors.

  5. I am a bit of a skeptic, but know a lot of aspects about BTC. So, let's make a few things straight, BTC is an investment asset – like gold, it's scarce, but it's easier to acquire it and big players like pay-pal and grayscale are holding it, same with a lot of banking institutions, hedge funds and masses of people. Self-host wallet btc owner whales have a hard time selling it without doing KYC and in some cases, this can wreck them financially. People lose access to their btc wallets which makes that btc frozen for all time. The Hype and FOMO is on the rise and most people only buy and hold with btc. I mean you have to understand that normal stock market fundamentals don't apply here. It's not a 2017 – 2018 scenario. The regulation added to BTC can actually even make it more desirable (although it has a minus). Basically, anything that could stop the mooning of btc imo would be extreme regulation restrictions and also better investment opportunities discovered by btc owners. However, it's best to find a working strategy/daily signals that works well in order to accumulate and grow a very strong portfolio ahead. I have been trading with Gerhard Bitcoin Strategy, his guidance makes trading less stressful and more profitable despite the recent fluctuations. I was able to easily increase my portfolio in just 2weeks of trading with Gerhard Bitcoin Strategy growing 1.5 BTC to 6.7 BTC. His daily signals are very accurate and yields a great positive return on investment and is available to give assistance to anyone who loves crypto trading, you can contact him on Telegram @ GerhardSignals. For inquiries and profitable trading systems

  6. Graham I hope you still have a show in a couple years. I hope to kick off my campaign with you. I want some of that sweet health care, closed door deals, and insider trading. Trust me when I say I am in it for the money and power. I will gladly just spend my short term on calling out every other piece of shit in politics.

  7. The evil that men will do. What's the difference between the Roman Empire and the American Empire? NOTHING!! ALL!! EMPIRES come and they go. They crumble for the same reasons! It always starts from "within" History proves this.

  8. I still rock with you Graham, but c'mon… your debate with Jimmy wasn't about hospital beds. It was about the vax mandate, which you still haven't been able to justify. Just admit you were on the wrong side of that argument and let's move on. It's ok man, none of us are right all the time.

  9. Soooo, bc you're fueding w/JD, are your thoughts on covid going to bleed into every video that isn't abt covid? Ya seem to have gone off on a rant there in the middle (triggered somehow) that didn't have ANYTHING at all to do w/ congress members making trades. I disagree w/ you but wanted to keep watching & supporting you. Am I going to be beat over the head every video I try to watch & support you on? I'm TRYING & you're not making it easy bleeding covid talk into other subjects. Is every video title going to be a roulette wheel where it's anybody's guess where Gram lands? If so then let me know & I'll just unsub right now cause I don't have time or energy for that. Thanks.

  10. As long as Elected Officials or those they Appointed can make money on issues and problems you can bet your bottom dollar that the Issues and Problems will not only continue,they will increase.

  11. 8:30— So Graham is saying that EVERYONE who is anti-vax has Stock in a Therapeutic? EVERYONE? Just stick to your report and don't go on a Vax tangent. I think Graham has done brilliant work and I agree with most of this video. But he is just wrong on the Vax mandates should stick to topics he grasps better.

  12. It seems there is corruption and crime in every single area of our system. I guess that is what happens when we privatize everything and there is no law enforcement that ever enforces the law on the rich.

  13. Their gambling proceeds and bribes should be evenly distributed among their constituents. Show some public service, b*&^%! But alas, insider trading is only illegal for those not in the Big Club. The ruling elite didn't get to where they are by practicing the fairness and equality they espouse in empty platitudes.

  14. There is no investing occurring. It's mirrored extraction off time which is the middle of any unused land plot in order to cause an uncorporate return. So capitalism is based on investing which is inversion, not expansion. It seems we have done EVERYTHING wrong. Also we needed the universal human suit in order to even continually exist in all climates.

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