Pfizer CEO Says 'People Are Profiting From Vaccine Conspiracies'

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  1. I don’t agree with what you all say about people should take the vaccine if they have pre-existing conditions. Well, I personally don’t think anyone should take these vaccines until better studies are done and they are more transparent with all the data, but I digress. I mainly wanted to say that I personally am not taking the vaccine (for many reasons) but a big reason for me is I have lupus and other autoimmune disorders and I believe I got these disorders after a doctor convinced me to get allergy shots. My immune system freaked out and I got very sick after I got allergy shots. So IMO people with autoimmune disorders should stay the hell away from these vaccines. I won’t even take the flu shot, but at this point I just have no trust left in the medical health profession. Anyway, that’s my two cents, thank you for your videos they are always so entertaining as well as informative and I appreciate you all very much!

  2. I was denied today employment cause I don have the "vaccine"!!!🤦‍♂️
    Oh yeah , I explained to the guy that I already had covid and I believe that I have the neccessary anti-bodies to fight off the virus! I also told them that I have an auto-immune disease (asthma) and that if I took that crap it'll do more harm than good! The guy said… " well I'm not sure about any of what you said , all I know is that you need to be vax and produce the card" 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

  3. I'm sad for all the people who have fallen for Big Pharma lies, fear mongering, and propaganda. I have family members who have fallen for their b.s. The Liberal media, and medical profession have all lied about this so-called virus.

  4. A regular yearly flu shot does not prevent you from catching the flu. I'm proof of that. It just makes your symptoms milder if you do catch the flu (at least for most people, but there's exceptions). And so it is with the COVID shots. For most people, if they catch COVID, the symptoms are milder than without the vaccines.
    People are not being forced to take a yearly flu shot. Therefore, people should not be forced to take the COVID vaccines.

  5. Hey there Mr's I'm 55 and do not have any pre-existing conditions and am good shape….I def don't consider myself ELDERLY❗I got covid and it was like a head cold and I just wanted to sleep for like 4 days but I just kept working….Yal can take the Vaccine but Not for this 55yr young chica😊😇

  6. This drug company is making a fortune too A.N.D.has tge balls to sell to underprivileged countries while not taking ANY monetary responsibility if PIZER if they violate the contract with the said country….Capitalism at its best

  7. Talk about misinformation…. The American people have been told "get the Covid shots" "get the boosters" "wear masks" and you won't get the Covid and guess what? There would not be misinformation if the current folks "in charge" would tell the truth. The only ones profiting from the Covid virus are the ones who are selling snake oil that doesn't work. If it worked, like the polio vaccine, people would not be questioning or doubting this "vaccine".

  8. You know it’s hilarious that he is saying something like this when he’s sitting on billions for going around telling people, “If you don’t get the vaccine then covid will kill you”. Well I’m here to tell you, everyone I know that got the vaccine got so sick after the second one that one guy had to have emergency shoulder surgery because where they gave him the vaccine he got a bone infection that started eating his bone, he was out of work for 2 weeks horribly sick and his wife was out of work for 3 weeks because she is immunocompromised and has asthma and all kinds of issues and now her aunt who is fully vaccinated with booster and all is on life support for the second time from covid. I guess it doesn’t stop you from getting sick but stops you from dying? There’s a teenager in our county that got the vaccine and after the second one she lost all use of her legs and over the next couple of months she continues to lose bodily functions. So yeah, we won’t be getting the vaccine. It doesn’t make sense to me that they begged those of us that got the covid to donate blood so they could have our antibodies. I said, “No, you’re not getting any of my blood to turn into a science project. I’m already an emergency blood donor and get calls to donate blood at all hours of the night and/or day. Those are the people who need my blood and antibodies.”

  9. My dad’s friend from when he was in the military, the guy stayed in the military and went on to special ops. Like they would pick him up in a field with and helicopter and drop him back off a month later and he couldn’t talk about what happened. He retired last year so he was in good health no problems, he died from Covid a few months later. He was completely against the vax. Even though he died I still won’t get the shit.

  10. Thank you my black Conservative brothers. I wish our former president had ears or was really who he said he was to listen to you guys just for ten minutes of any of your episodes, just any. Thank you for your great work.

  11. I haven’t gotten the “vaccine” because I don’t want it. Not because I’m afraid of it. Not because I’m afraid of the Covid. I don’t want it because you’re making money off it there Mr. Hypocrite Pfizer CEO.

  12. Hasn’t the entire propaganda of the vaccine been centralized around fear? They will continue to change the definition to more broad terms in order to make it harder to scientifically prove the definition.

  13. This dude really talking about "conspiracy theorist" trying to make money from vaccine information?? LOL This foo making money for MAKING the vaccines

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