Maria Caulfield, Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care summaries the debate on medical cannabis

Maria Caulfield, Under-Secretary for Health and Social Care summaries the debate on medical cannabis.


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  1. It's so sad that the police are potentially taking away people's medical cannibas to treat conditions. Incredible lack of compassion and empathy.
    You should be allowed to in your own home. Shame on the government. All got their hands dipped in the industry no doubt.

  2. I have had every single pain killer availible.
    The only thing that rids my pain is medical cannabis.
    It is too exspensive from private clinics, it is between £150 – £500.
    Listening to this woman cannabis will never be availbile on the NHS ever !! Blocks everywhere and they will not be removed.
    Why does it center always around children..??? I am in grotesque pain that 99% of children would not recieve. It seems to be all about epilepsy and children.
    Backwards government!!

  3. Wish they would start looking at real world evidence or come see me in the morning before I take it then watch me get some degree of my life back. They would look at real world evidence if it was for there wages

  4. When the Plant becomes monopolised all of a sudden 🤔 the system has failed just like the false war on drugs has destroyed millions of lives across the globe due to the opioid CRISIS and the creation of Cartels etc and young kids dealing on our streets that's what our governments have created nothing short of a complete failure
    The reason its taking so long is GW pharmacuticals are to busy making millions so stop the lies about we need more proof etc. Just look at the AMAZING work other countries have done for PROOF and giving people what they want not what you's say is okay for us.
    This false war on drugs is a crime against humanity fullstop

  5. I've been trying to access medical cannabis for a long time but can't afford to go private. I have Restless Legs Syndrome and Arthritis. It should be easier and the sooner this changes, the better!

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