CBD Oil From Marijuana Linked To Lower Covid Rates

A new laboratory study reveals CBD oil could help prevent Covid-19 infection or help fight it. The University of Chicago team of …


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  1. Been smoking marijuana since I was 13, I'm 27 now. I've used it to help with my anxiety, depression, and inability to eat. Without weed, I'd have to be on heavy medications. My Oma (grandma) was very much against weed. But after years of seeing it help me, she now is taking CBD pills and gummys. We all recently had Omicron, marijuana and multi vitamins has helped all of us recover within 10 days. Our government needs to legalize this live saving plant, and release anyone with marijuana charged and YES I mean dealers too. You should be allowed to buy seeds, grow, and sell without a hassel or jail time.

  2. In the United States, I’m unaware of an FDA approved cannabis based drug, for ADULTS, currently. Epidiolex is approved for children with an extremely rare type of epilepsy.
    Cannabis reform has been extremely corrupted by who else? The capitalist fascist pigs

  3. Cbd fixed everything, including flat tires. Just add 10 drops to your tires and it will fix it! Try it, I swear it works! 🥳

  4. A fact is impervious to scrutiny if it is unassailable. God puts an endocannabinoid system in every baby. When a child matures into adulthood this system must be nourished and enriched in order to cultivate a blessed life. Humans who use cannabis on a daily basis will always be at a lower risk level from many bacterial infections and viruses. When you combine this with the sun and salt water risk is further reduced. In the future your species will have a greater understanding of how to use the endocannabinoid receptors. Cannabis will always lead to a healthier mind , body and soul provided it is used as a medicinal remedy.

  5. Yet your longstanding hate for black people made you vilify marijuana without any consideration over decades. Now that y’all can make money off it, it’s now some kind of wonder drug. What a sad mindset – America.

  6. Strongly agree, medical cannabis oil got me through COVID… I'm so grateful that it's legal in Canada, COVID damaged my liver, " fatty liver" aswell covid attacks your nervo system IT'S a crippling virus. Cannabis oil is over looked it really shouldn't be … Cannabis oil got me through the VIRUS with NO side effects. Wish more people would take cannabis oil vs. Man made crack pills. Why give oxygen to a VIRUS that spreads? Cannabis was and still is my life saver. Blessings 🙏 . TAKE CANNABIS OIL 🇨🇦❤️👍… GOVERNMENT APPROVED.

  7. It has been used for thousands of years it's mentioned in the Bible. Our bodies have receptors that match the compounds in marijuana. It's a gift from god drugs are man made not natural.

  8. If Joe Biden wants to end COVID so badly, maybe he should make it possible to research cannabis. It's 2022 for crying out loud. WTF is going on? Why is cannabis illegal? 2 Fair questions, 0 real answers.

  9. What is interesting,
    1)How fast during the Previous Election Process, when both Parties kept the Attention on Building Hate groups with Labels for their brains.

    2) the Promoted Dr has access to both Leaders with Private meetings – which became visible immediately without any connections to the Pharmaceutical Industry & The Frankenstein Labs.

    But Now, qualified research has released what is known as Good Healthy Habits.

    3) Why isn’t anybody being concerned about Artificial intelligence, as the Truth of Aliens in disguise as Earth Leaders the symbol of the Pyramid Schemes

    And if Truth – it didn’t just start during this exposure period ToDay.

    The awakening has a serious meaning of FEARS in Historical failures by Rulers/Leaders & the timing of our own self destruction has ended with Choice

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