How Inflation Numbers Get Inflated, Episode 1297

Topics: Chris Cuomo; Alec Baldwin; Vice President Kamala Harris; Devin Nunes; Kennedy Center Honors; Crime has always …


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  1. Comment for the algorythm.
    Top3 of the mary Anne cumm8ngs' bs:
    1) "Clintonites let the Working class people to be taken over by the republicans" (4:47:30) (why does the jimmy dore "left" equate working class with White racists – i dont know)
    2) 4:56:30 "abortion became culture war" &
    4:56:57 "adopting libertarian ideology of frikin Scott Adams to fight abortion is a good idea; as freedom is more important than new life" (straight up right wing arguments that will fail with the religious folks, as no. Life stands above freedom. And the abortion bs is propelled by religiius zealots all over the planet. I know. I live 8n Poland. And if you do not know Poland straight up banned abortion. Liberals who were screaming about freedom of women to chose did not pierced the religious wall of sanctity of life. I do not know why the left never uses another very simple argument, and get to the bottom of things when it comes to abortion. We should all agree that human life is sacred. And we should protect it, not only when it is unborn. Thing is abortion up to the 6th month is termination of potential human life. Zygote and undeveliped fetus aint humans. Until we focus on that argument the religious nuts will try to protect the human life. Cant blame them… try to understand the enemy, before confronting him. The libertarian "hack" proposed by mary Anne won be effective, wasnt 8n mu country. Since sanctity of life stands above freedom for these people).
    3) 5:04:05 that 1 sentence sounds like an attempt to justify and whitewash what the jimmy dore ""left"" is and was doing. (Not talking about private companies collecting big data and medical records due to covid crisis – as it is crazy and dangerous. Also good for her on taking the shot and not adopting jimmy's views on the vaccine. Also spreading Good message of public, global vaccine. My only focus is on her excusing the antimandate jimmy dore "leftists" and their clear antivax grift)
    The above is not an attempt to cancell her, but pointing out the bs – scold style.

  2. Does anyone on the show or in the audience listen to run the jewels with killer Mike and ELP? I swear their lyrics are literally just like picking from David's shows

  3. Honestly the only economic place that has consumer-advocacy is in the gun and air rifle business. seriously go look on YouTube about how many people do reviews on guns and then you can make an educated decision on which one to buy that's all there is.
    Not saying they're great I'm just saying it's the only place I see consumer advocacy

  4. I'm sorry but there's a huge difference between our family does gun sports and writing the voices make them stop and getting caught by the principle that kid obviously needed help

  5. When you're doing a down the barrel shot you have to load some live rounds to make it look real a revolver exposes the heads of the bullet so realistically there needed to be 5 live rounds in five out of six of the champers. The only problem is the hammer should have been resting on the one empty chamber

  6. I shoot single action revolvers for fun and the gun Alec Baldwin was using was an 1873 single action Army Colt. I do not think that a gun can fire just by pulling the hammer halfway back I don't think there's enough energy to set off the bullet so I believe Alec Baldwin is lying

  7. Thank you Mr. David Cobb, you are absolutely correct. The "modern" democratic party post FDR is a total farce and a lost cause. They're an extension of the corporate elite and that's all they are. The scales have been tipped in such a way that it's virtually impossible to make any correction toward progress. I consider Bernie and his contemporaries (the squad) as indies/greens masquerading as "democrats" trying to make a dent, at the very least, in the myriad of injustices. But even that, I'm starting to realize, is a fools errand #cobbcummings2024

  8. thumbing your nose at god LOL- If we assume that Jesus Christ (his corpse) after the crucifixion was eaten by his followers, we can explain not only the Christian cannibalistic mysticism, but also many other mysteries of Christianity. The rituals of the Eucharist are similar to the ceremonies of the true cannibals – Non-Christians have always been confused by the rituals that simulate eating the body of Jesus Christ or drinking his blood.

    While eating special consecrated wafers or drinking wine, Catholics, the Orthodox and many other Christians imagine that these are the body and blood of their prophet (or god). Most Christians imagine that by doing this they get closer to their god, acquire a kind of divinity themselves, and some of them even fall into ecstasy.

    These rituals by their form and meaning remind of the rites of many known cannibalistic cultures – the true cannibals ate people (perhaps they are still doing this in some regions of Africa and Asia) not because they were starving, but because they believed that by eating up a man or a certain part of his body they would overtake his power and courage.

  9. as the show goes so do my comments
    1:55:10 . when I work the excavator I dont let people stand in my shovel even when it makes the job a bit easier. this case makes me so angry, do the job right

  10. The problem with the US government commandeering IP and taking over ( which I agree should have happened ) is that that is a big deal to the hardcore capitalist and they will go to the mat to ensure that never happens. It's about keeping themselves in power, and not ever being questioned. Besides … the Supreme Court would disallow it I think – although who is going to reign in the President from the Supreme Court? The global fascist oligarchy is bigger and stronger ( more strategically placed ) than the American government … so how does the US fight something that is distributed, larger and more powerful and all over the globe with access to all kinds of off-shore money?

  11. PTSD from growing up in Iceland, I immediatly got aroused at 1:32:39. then I sadly saw that Feldman already took my spot, THE CORNHOLE. so I put the pecker away and now Ill just watch this damn show.

  12. I look forward to your monologues every day!!! you kill. I laugh and I punch my computer. You should do this for a living! Keep it going Feldo. I could watch all day long. <3 Hearing your monologue is like listening to the captain of the Titanic over the p.a. system telling us that we're all fucked.

  13. Economies of scale … i.e. monopoly, is efficient, but if not regulated by the government because otherwise they will be totally criminal … so that socialism and democracy are what has to happen, and all the stuff we hear about how great capitalism is a big tangle of BS that doesn't make any sense anyway.

  14. Woooooo, tell it like it is regarding Joe Biden. But, as bad as Biden is, Harris is so much worse. I think it is very likely that Hillary could have done if she had chosen Bernie to be her VP nominee perhaps. That would have given just enough of a push to the people disgusted with the system to get them to vote. But, Hillary is the same as Biden … all the high-level Democrats, they are all putting an act on to make us think we have an opposite party in America … we don't.

  15. But Obama was weak and ineffectual too, like Biden. Here is my Devil's advocate thoughts on Bernie and Biden. If the race was against a normal Republican, and Bernie had been way ahead in the polls and won the primaries like he did in 2016 – if he did not have a sizable lead there would hardly be a point putting him in office because Republicans are disgusting and they will not even allow moderate Democratic successes – Republicans are out to take over the system because they will do anything to rule out "socialism". They will lie. cheat, steal and I think kill to maintain the American "neo-fascist" system. They lie about everything, because – what else can they do. They are afraid to even has an honest discussion because they lose on all the facts. Obama could have done something to fight Trump … but he mostly laid back and come out in positive spots on video – but nothing pushy. Obama was a huge disappointment. He must know what is going on and why, and yet he did nothing to inform or lead America. I knew it, very unhappy with Biden. Just like how bad his debate performances were.

  16. That move by Warren to accuse Bernie of saying ( in private ) that a women cannot be President. That is such a weird and peculiar thing to do – who ever would think that would make any difference or mean anything, or that she would be believed. On the other hand, Warren ( aside from some stupid moves like this one ) was smarter and quicker than Bernie, more accomplished than Bernie, more reasonable than Bernie ( why did Bernie has to talk about prisoners being able to vote – like it was a big issue. AND, this was after Bernie had his heart attack – which … why did Bernie stick with the campaign after that. Especially his performance in the last debate – it was like he was trying to lose and give the race to Biden. This would all be OK if Bernie had started his whole cycle 20-30 years ago, but he is already pretty old – not that his age would keep me from voting for Bernie. You are right though, the DNC planned this so it would knock Bernie out, and I think most of those who ran were performing and doing a job for the establishment wing of the party. Bernie was the first Presidential candidate I was ever excited about and I thought he would make a great President. Biden Harris, Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Klobuchar, were the last people on Earth I would ever want in the Oval Office. But I also know my responsibility – to vote Democratic and make sure I get out and vote. I was hopeful when Bernie ran the first time … now that Trump won and has been President, it is hard to know what is going to happen, but I cannot think what is going on is natural or organic – I think it is a reality drama invented in a Think Tank somewhere whose job is to make this American dysfunction look plausible to people.

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