VLOG: Fixing my Smile, Gum Graft Surgery, Tips to Heal and Recover, Eating 30+ Fruits and Veggies

My dentist ( Dr. Nicolas Ravon and Dr. Taylor Rice) : Organic Olivia: …


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  1. I’m so happy you shared this story! I’m a dental hygienist which is why I’ve been so interested in your smile. But I’m also missing congenitally missing my two front teeth on the bottom and need an implant. I’m hoping I don’t need any grafting but we’ll see

  2. OMG! You are so brave to show all this! I chipped a tooth really badly 2 years ago and had to get a crown. I was soooooo traumatized! I felt like I've lost my smile forever! Although the crown is decent, it's not the same and I still struggle to show my teeth when I smile. I also had to get invisalign to alight everything. You've inspired me to perhaps go somewhere else for an evaluation to see if I could get a better looking tooth? Anyhow, safe recovery. Great video!

  3. from a dental hygienist, thank you for sharing your experience!! this stuff is not talked about enough. your videos are my fav and you are amazing 💗 I hope you continue to heal well and the process goes smoothly!

  4. I finally got my implant in Oct 2021 and it took a whole year. I got a sinus lift and the implant. I have 2 other missing teeth where I would need a bone graft etc. It’s the best feeling finally getting the implant!!

  5. Thank you for sharing this ❤️ I now have two implants (my two front teeth on top) and struggled so much throughout school with insecurity. It’s so brave of you to share your experience

  6. The way you prefaced the sit down conversation about your procedure was so kind and so thoughtful of you. You’re such a sweet person.

    I have a fake tooth in the same spot and I’ve always thought of it as something unique about me 🤍😊

  7. I have the feeling you guys are constantly working/ shooting content and running errands to maintain a healthy life, so when I watched this vlog I was like “oh good, they get to be “off” a little bit and rest”. Clayton is so sweet and caring! My boyfriend is just like him. I wish everybody could have this kind of relationship ♡

  8. I know you are longer post-surgery now but still wishing you all the healing & positive vibes! ✨ also – that fruit and veggie idea is so great! Never thought about mixing fresh fruits and veggies, then freezing them and when you need it add liquid to make a smoothie. So convenient and a great meal prep idea :)!

  9. Teeth issues are the most stressful thing girl so thank you for bringing attention to it!💕Love you & Clayton together, you’re such a great team! You guys remind me of me and my bf💗 Hope to make my channel as inspiring as yours 🙏

  10. You did such a great job of explaining this – I recently had a double gum graft surgery and it was about 2 months recovery until I could 100% eat normally again. A few foods that I really enjoyed in addition to the ones you mentioned were yogurt, cottage cheese, mashed sweet potatoes, frozen mango blended with oat milk (like ice cream), annie's organic mac and cheese, and vega one shakes for some additional nutrients

  11. I am so glad that you uploaded this! This is extremely helpful and I have a surgery coming up and felt like no one could relate, so thank you for sharing. Im still anxious lol But it's good to know I'm not alone.

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