Did I Gain Winter Weight? + More Raw Vegan Questions Answered

John from shares answers to your questions based on his 26 years of experience learning about health …


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  1. Questions that will be answered in this episode:
    01:24 How do you maintain your weight on a raw food diet? Any tips for maintaining a healthy weight?
    10:52 You packing on winter weight buddy?
    14:54 Do you think it is critical to drink celery juice every day and drink a heavy metal detox smoothie?
    21:00 Where do you get your soil to fill your garden beds? What should I fill 30 garden beds with?
    24:54 The long-term vegan that had a stroke, can you ask him if he supplemented b12?
    26:54 How do you maintain strong teeth and bones? How do you make the minerals in your vegetables bioavailable? Do you get the recommended amount of calcium? What about antinutrients?
    41:24 Thoughts about Urine Therapy
    42:28 How much fat is considered low fat on a raw vegan diet?
    42:28 Ever put cannabis in your smoothies?
    47:20 Where can I learn to have the same nutrient-dense soil you have and how to grow those leafy greens?
    52:06 Do you drink Coffee?
    56:06 How would you afford to eat a healthy vegetable and fruit-based diet on a $15/hr $900 rent? Your lifestyle is available to you because you don't live in a food desert or in poverty.

  2. Thank you for the time and passion you put into all your videos! I’ve been a regular for years and your content has honestly completely changed my life. It helps me grow as a vegan, add in more raw food, and also as a consumer and problem solver. Almost every video leaves me with a concept/approach/food that I can work into my unique situation and budget.

    Don’t let the last question get under your skin. I feel like you always give a spectrum of options and preach good better best. That person was rude to make financial assumptions and criticize your personal food standards. I hate to hear you apologize for being in a different situation than someone else. I’m thrilled you are who you are where you are. I think you provided a very kind & generous answer though! That person could have literally just asked for any tips on living this lifestyle on a budget in a food desert…

  3. Why do you not have your own worms? Do you mean someone would actually purchase my castings for that? The worms take very little time. Though harvest becomes extremely easier with an established bin. I grow my own plants from seeds. I do not have the kind of money to not try to extend a budget. I seriously like you as a person. I get a good energy from you.. but boy, I think i told you to shut up at least three times in this video.. I can for sure, not change my opinion of you, if i can not agree with some things. I still think highly of you. Some of the things you said about weight, please keep in mind weight can be a health issue or a chemical imbalance in the brain.. heath.. the thyroid plays a role as well as medication.. I got fat as heck! Off of medication, ive been thin for the majority of my life, but my asthma got the best of me. I by no means sit down often. Im always on the go.. I didn’t sit one time during this video either. I actually took a shower, brushed my teeth, and other things.. i too carry buckets of water and lift heavy bags.. i pick my worm bin, all kids of stuff. I just don’t believe the whole sit on the couch comment was always related to muscle mass. Speaking of shopping.. how about your clothes? Do you purchase organic clothing? I often purchase last chance Organic clothing from pact.. but i would rather purchase organic clothes that are more locally made.. after this video, i wanna check if you have a vegan hygiene video.. Just because i did not see 💯 eye to eye with you, does not mean i feel less of you.. but the comment not dating a fat girl 🤣.. fair enough sadly you may have turned down someone that was loyal, hard working, not mean.. im telling you some people, even women, can be hella hasty.. someone that you could actually mix well with and get along with.. packing isnt always important. Your choice, your life.. My apple watch proves I rarely sit down.. my rear end would try to make me look like a liar 🤣.. i bet you do not have the extra time.. I recently asked someone to grow a garden on their large property, in exchange for general labor with their land.. they have horses too..

  4. Thx for being honest. The mild weight gain is a great thing to see for those of us who want to build our body, or prefer not to be too skinny eating non junk food. For some reason I could not gain weight on plant based for years until just recently where I changed a few items, upped the portions and added more bananas in the smoothie.

  5. I don't know if I ever told you but, I love your intro. "Alright! This is John Koler…" 😂😂 It's like everybody's gotta stop what they're doing and pay attention

  6. There's such a hyper-focus on weight and looks within the raw food world. This can be dangerous when excessive. It is natural to fluctuate in weight throughout our lives. It is OK, so long as we are healthy. it is also OK to age (gasp) and even look old (double gasp) and still be vibrantly healthy. Yes, our looks can be positively affected by a raw foods diet, but in my opinion we have all become obsessed with a certain kind of beauty standard, as we worship that versus focusing on longterm health, joy, and quality of life. Love to all, and love to you John!

  7. Omg John I feel you. Thank you for making this. You look so good, don't let anyone tell you, you packed on winter weight oh my god. People suck! Wishing you so much luck! Love your videos!!!

  8. I think its good to have a little extra weight as reserves. Trying to gain some myself. You never know when youll need it. Really, dont sweat what that person said. I can barely notice.

  9. I wish I had even half the discipline you have. I doubt many people would go to the effort as you do to devote all your yard space in order to grow the healthiest produce in abundance, drive hours to buy the most nutritionally dense fruit available. Really, you'd be the last person who should ever be shamed by anyone for eating a few nuts in the middle of a pandemic.

  10. You are amazing and I enjoy watching you so so much! I'm 5'8 and gain 5 pounds every winter at least!!! It's in our DNA to do that when we're cold… I'm in Seattle🙄 I'm cold and not wanting to juice at all 🙁 Just want soup & tea all day. I did juice for my daughter today… And I didn't even want to try it! It smelled so good but all I wanted was cooked hot food. I'm in need of sun and heat☀️

  11. I noticed in your schedule, your not mentioning an exercise plan…I am thinking that might help…The exercise will help with the stress… But, more importantly the exercise will keep up bone density…I see the strengths in food, I think exercise will really change your game…Thanks for all the awesome videos!

  12. John, been following for a while. I almost imported some blenders but you spotted a representation issue and saved me – red faced. I've watched you evolve and progress. Thanks for the healthy examples amidst ups and downs. I learn facts from your content. Thank you.

  13. Missed…..wait a second you just mentioned you have 3 channels here on YouTube, since I'm subbed to your growingmygreens channel, YouTube recommended this to me? Well, subbed John, thanks for all that you share with us, Liked and greetings from central Mexico! 🙂

  14. You can’t please everyone, John, and furthermore, some people are never pleased. I watch your channels on the regular and am always impressed at the deals you get and how far you are able to stretch your dollar.

  15. When starting a new raised bed, I put straw in the bottom of it. And since I have a lot of food scraps, I use straw in between the layers of food scraps and on top (it stops potential fruit fly issues.) Each season I buy several bales of straw and let them sit out in the rain (we live above Seattle) for a year (destroying the weed seeds) and then use that as a mulch around the vegetables. The straw provides a lot of bulk and thus I have 8 compost bins.

  16. John, from what I gather you have been self employed for about the last 25 years, and worked hard. You deserve everything you have achieved. At the same time, you have shared freely, health tips along the way, which benefits everyone. Thanks for another important video: the economic frugal shopping tips are great. BTW: Anyone in a food desert situation, as you said, could benefit from at least sprouting seeds at home to help supplement adopting a basic whole food plant based diet. Buying seeds online for delivery to your residence, can be much more economical, by ordering larger size packages of seeds for long term use, rather than smaller sized packages of seeds for short term use. Something to always watch for before ordering.

  17. John please don’t ever apologize for the way you live. Everyone struggles and yes it is about setting priorities in life. Please continue to share and be a positive example for people like me trying to live and eat more healthily

  18. Good info John I like this Q&A style of video. I’ve heard you mention microbiome testing a few times now. Can I ask which microbiome test are you planning on using (assuming you haven’t used one yet)?

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