Unable to work, many coronavirus long haulers face grim future

Across America, many of the nearly 50 million people infected with the coronavirus continue to suffer from some persistent …


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  1. Considering it seems like Long Covid shares many characteristics of an autoimmune condition which most likely explains why the majority of suffers are women hopefully a similar treatment plan can eventually be developed.

  2. I’m dealing with this vibrations occasionally dizziness bad tremors when I lay down pins and needles doctor say nothing wrong but anxiety someone please help how to get through this most days I feel like giving up

  3. OK I am a long hauler. Mild right-side weakness. I have found taking cold ease vitamin as directed works. I also take a dose of benadryl and a dose of pepto every 3 nights. Anti-inflammatory and cell cleaning vitamins and spices help as well. Consult doctor.

  4. I know the filling 2 months in now after having covid. Still facing a huge daily battle trying to deal with the after meth of this virus can not hardly do nothing with out lossing my breath can not get short time disability and now I'm told if I do not return to work I'm lossing my job.
    Like wtf
    If wrong in this genaration is it this virus or is it the cold blooded hearts of people.
    So guess I'll end up having to report bad to the hot factory and try to go balls to the wall none stop even though I can not shower without lossing my breath.
    And ever law is for the employer there I'd no laws iv seen for the employees guess they excapet a body to just die.

    The American dream 🤢🤮

  5. I hope this gets better cause i feel so tired of it all. I first got covid in Jan 2020 and noticed Long hauler symptoms in May 2021. It sucks. I feel like i have became dumb. I cant communicate or think of complex ideas. I feel like im the only one in my family that has it. Im the only one experiencing this crap.

  6. 28 former marathoner. just got a new job was looking forward to eventually having a wife and kids. Now I'm just in pain all the time and can't do anything. Can't breath, can't see, can't think properly

  7. I have this. Its no cure by any means but make sure you take supplements to support you. Especially vitamin d3, b complex, iron, etc. The best is magnesium and potassium. So get you a good multivitamin that provides these and add extra magnesium Glycinate. Its not a cure, but it helps persevere and helps energy levels.

  8. Yes. I am over 65. Fatigue, headaches, all I want to do is sleep. Vibration. Muscle, bones and my heart now. My BP too high, 🤤Difficulty breathing. Me too. Skin issues. My sympathy to all of us Long Haulers. 🌻

  9. Post Lyme for me.
    Went from being a healthy 22 year old in the prime of my life to a hardly functioning bed ridden mess. There is no help for us

  10. Ok so someone gets " covid " says " he doesn't feel the same " . Doctors cant find anything physically wrong with him .. but he says that's not true .. then? Should live on " tax payers – government printed money " like forever ? Wow put my name on the list too .. I dont feel the same anymore :/

    What's really interesting is that every candidate " patient " in the video looks like government support material …. you can recognize them just by the looks

  11. 16 month long hauler. Organicell tested investigational drug ZOFIN on 11 people. All fully recovered. One of them, Robert Skelly, from pittsburg. Only Two news reports???? Why isn't this supported, prioritized??? The world is backwards.

  12. Now a lot more people will know what it's like to have Fibromyalgia or MFS without the 10-20 years of trying to get diagnosed we've had to go through.

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