Drake Bailey Christmas Updates with Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

Update on Current Events or Important Information You Need To Know to raise your vibration. Happy Holidays Everyone!!! Email …


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  1. I SEE you (both of you)…Just sayin,so you know how "things" are.
    Same thing,as in; "They Live"…
    Freakin hell Gail,your really nasty looking reptilian,but I will not judge ,without knowing real You and not this; human skin-suit,thats not fooling anyone,like youre "scientists" predicted…It was working,for all these years,it was "working" fine,but now…
    Not so much.
    More and more people are waking up and you(both) know it.
    I can SEE you,whos really hiding behind this lame ,see-through hologram-tech. reptilian hologram…
    Youre nothing but reptilian in human skin suit!
    So tell me,is it too loose or it fits perfectly?
    Now I see why youre having only reptilians,as guests…Right,Gail?
    Who knows,maybe you are exceptions in the rule in reptilian society and you somehow managed to "escape"/evade the rest of 99% reptilians…And we both know thats not possible,especially in reptilian society(or whatever you call that).
    When math is done,when everything else is considered..Whats left (in the end)…Is…What?…
    Its not looking good ,you know whats about to happen.
    Theres no way out.

  2. He said nothing that is not already known from several other sources and spent a lot of time talking w/o saying anything at all. Seems like a lot of BS from a trained CIA asset to me

  3. Gail is great 👍 I’m thinking 🤔 maybe she should invite pattie Brasard and Drake on the show together ! They are both giving different information and somehow we can put the pieces together ? And come to an honest understanding of what I’d really going to happen in 2022!! Is Drake speaking of 1 timeline? And Patti says there are 5 or six? Why is the information so different? Where are they getting their information? Let’s Do It! It’s very confusing!!

  4. Someone is giving you false information about Jared Rand and the Celestial Chamber. The first one being created will cost $60 million. Then with the Broad Range Replicators, the following chambers will be created. Afterwards they will be "open-sourced" which means they will be available free to whoever needs to use them.

  5. I think a lot of people are defying the mandates in New York city. It has to be extremely large groups of people , because they can't arrest everyone can they? Except what happened on January 6th last year. Their has to be a way to defy this BS.

  6. Gail. so good to see you both back together. Could you ask Drake if Florida is still going to be under water in the next couple of years. And Atlantis is going to raise? Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  7. The original Magyar is where the rabbit hole stops….its core seed soul family. Many of the actors enki etc..cover-up to keep the real ones hidden …they have been using confusion of the tongues for a long time now to keep ourselves in a loop .

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