Do Vegans Need Supplements? | Dr. Neal Barnard Q&A on The Exam Room

Can vegans get all the vitamins and nutrients they need without taking a supplement? Is it even possible without eating meat or …


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  1. Love your channel! I just stopped eating diary and eggs. It turns out that these foods were aggravating my exema and inflammation. Now knowing how diary foods are made, it is so heartbreaking. Thank you both for caring for our health, planet, and animals.

  2. What about thyroid patients. They can't eat soy, broccoli, spinach etc. Then how do nutrient (e.g. calcium etc) come from? And without soya/tofu how is protein met without substantially increasing carb intake

  3. Very true.Healthy mind in a healthy body ☺️.
    All you need is a balanced diet, instead of keto. For example finish breaky at 8:30 am, 11:30 a cup of coffee, 2:30 lunch, 4:30pm a piece of fruit.
    7:30pm dinner. Then 8:30 dessert, or popcorn 🍿 with favourite TV show.
    Plenty of water, no sugary drinks, no chocolates, packets of chips & eating out once a week. Or 5 day intervels. For example Saturday, then thursday, then skip one week & again Saturday & thursday, ECT. Minimum twice a week exercise & most importantly speak to your doctor & specialist. Also eat mainly wholegrain bread 🍞, instead of White 🍞. 1 coffee & 1 tea a day only, with 1 tea spoon of sugar. Also movies once a month. Guaranteed results from effects of diabetes, high blood pressure , heart attack & stroke. Because prevention is definitely better than cure. This diet I highlighted, is more suitable for people living with type 2 diabetes, because they have to eat regularly & avoid eating large portions, when hungry. It's totally up to you. You can make diabetes your best friend or worst nightmare. Just look up the long term effects such as stroke, bypass surgery, obesity, high blood pressure, gangerine, blindness, heart attacks, annurysim, imputance, fatigue & thirst. & Many other health hazards. You can diffuse the bomb, before it blows up.
    Just look up all these conditions, & don't burry your head in the sand πŸ€—πŸ‘.
    Oh & never cure depression, heartbreak & bore-dome with food, it's the worst thing you can do. It's better to go for a drive to the gym or bike ride, beach or picnic. The best way to cure bore-dome is to do something constructive like cleaning, washing the car, gardening, reading & sleeping. You'll never feel thirsty or tired. Your body will love you for it. Because the basic functions you used to do that you take for granted, you'll difinetly miss after a stroke.
    Also the most important thing that diabetics need to understand is that after a stroke, when your kidney functioning is at 11%, you have to undergo dialysis & your are restricted to 600ml fluids a day, because most fluids go to your legs & leak through the skin. The good thing is at this stage it's not hard to reverse your diabetes & bring kidney functioning to 70%. But it's better to control your diabetes 20 years earlier, & avoid all these complications, & put your extra πŸ’Έ towards your mortgage &; supporting people in need, & God Will help you.πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„.
    Oh yeah after I reversed my diabetes from 11% kidney functioning to 70% after a stroke, I had to change my glasses prescription because my vision improved, I no longer wear compression socks, from edema & the discoularation on my extremedies disappered. This was in the late stages of diabetes. Imagine what you can do in the early stages of your diabetes. You have to understand that before a stroke an effort that takes you 7%, after a stroke will take you 75%. You can see why exercise, good diet, & performing house work is very important, when your depressed, instead of going on a food party. The sooner you act the better. Sometimes with the effort required to perform basic exercises, after a stroke, I wish that I didn't make it through. I would rather get my health back, that win 100 million dollars. Act now before it's too late.
    In the USA every 4 mins a person is added to the kidney transplant list. 218 people die from diabetes daily globally & the USA spends 380 billion dollars, every year or annually, to treat diabetes. 90 billion dollars of this money annually is spent on lost productivity. You can come of insulin. You will love your life, because it's very true that a healthy mind is on a healthy body. Just like a student in school, you don't just attend class, but you have to do your homework, assignments & study for your exams. Your health is more important than your career, because without your health you can't work & support your family. Health is more important than career. The same thing for diabetics, they should take their medication, but also do their homework, by exercising & dieting. Oh yes & you can have your crispy cream donuts once a monthπŸ”₯πŸ˜‹ πŸ€—πŸ‘. If you control your diabetes, you'll definitely increase your life expectancy from obesity, blindness, abbses infections, gangerine, by pass surgery, hypertension, heart attack, stroke & other common chronic diseases. The ball is in your court. Put out the πŸ”₯ of diabetes, before it burns youπŸ€—.

  4. Thank you so much for talking about the dairy industry. Absolutely heartbreaking. I found out about it 6 years ago and have been vegan since. Much respect and love to you Chuck and Dr Barnard xx

  5. Dr Neal Barnard’s description of how milk is produced is both accurate and educational.

    However, the advice to take a B12 supplement as a matter of course is incorrect.

    1) Get tested first to determine if you have a B12 deficiency before taking a B12 (or any) supplement.

    2) If you’re on a vegan diet, your gut microbiome will produce all the B12 you need for you. In fact, I don’t take B12 supplements yet my B12 level is four times the upper limit of the reference range!

    I do take a Vitamin D3 supplement, though, 5,000 IUs daily as when tested in December 202 my D3 level was less than half the lower limit of the reference range.

    Calcium is an essential component of plant cell walls. All plants have cells and also cell walls so they all have calcium. The only problem is that some plsnts, notably spinach and taro, are high in oxalic acid. The oxalic acid will bind with calcium and render the calcium not bioavailable by forming calcium oxalate. So don’t eat raw baby spinach leaves. Cook spinach thoroughly to destroy the oxalic acid. Taro is not eaten raw anyway. Its the sharp calcium oxalate crystals that make taro leaf sap itchy on contact with your skin. The oxalic acid crystalises when exposed to air and produces calcium oxalate crystals. Its these sharp crystalsvthat produce the itchiness.

  6. Dr Neal Barnard’s description of how milk is produced is both accurate and educational.

    However, the advice to take a B12 supplement as a matter of course is incorrect.

    1) Get tested first to determine if you have a B12 deficiency before taking a B12 (or any) supplement.

    2) If you’re on a vegan diet, your gut microbiome will produce all the B12 you need for you. In fact, I don’t take B12 supplements yet my B12 level is four times the upper limit of the reference range!

    I do take a Vitamin D3 supplement, though, 5,000 IUs daily as when tested in December 202 my D3 level was less than half the lower limit of the reference range.

  7. If Vegan diets are so natural why are there no societies around the world that naturally eat that way? The argument makes no sense. Also every nutrient that you have a high chance of being deficient in a vegan diet are high in animal products. Sure eat vegan if you are pro animal rights and believe that it is best for the environment. But this idea that it is the optimum diet nutrient wise is total nonsense.

  8. I heard that the reason we don't get Vitamin B12 is because we clean too much soil off the plants. It's there, in the microbes. But we need it all to be clean. Especially since today's soil contains so much chemicals and toxic heavy metals. Any truth to that?

  9. This I know about cows and calves. I grew up in the country. I had to turn your talk down , because my heart was breaking. But how brilliant it is that you are such an advocate for animals that suffer so much in the food industry. Thank you.

  10. I have been vegan now for 8 years. I am so glad you told about the dairy industry because it was knowing that which turned me vegan. Every time I craved cheese after I started my vegan lifestyle I thought about crying cows and dead calves. It worked. I see them on every bottle of milk. There are now some very good vegan cheeses but I don't find them addictive like dairy is. Why is dairy so addictive?

  11. Happy new year πŸŽˆπŸŽ†πŸŽŠ thanks you for all you doing love you all but I’m in love πŸ₯° with chuck πŸ™β€οΈπŸ˜˜πŸ₯°πŸŒ±πŸ’ƒπŸ»πŸ˜˜πŸŽ†πŸŽˆπŸ₯³

  12. B12, D and Omega 3 are usually important to take as supplements. Plant based omega 3 can be found in seafood, but can be hard to get in enough quantities, even if you eat algies occassionally. And use healthy fats like olive oil and coconut oil, seeds and nuts. Stay away from junk food and sugar!

  13. I had an interesting comment by a friend of mine, we treat agriculture animals terribly they are living in misery and mistreatment, so when we eat them we also live in misery with our health and mental health as every cell every thought every vibration of that animal is now part of us.

  14. Congratulations Chuck! I'm so GLAD I found this channel! My family and I turned to a plant base diet 10 months ago (cold turkey for the adults and still transition the young). It has has been a journey and so MANY questions to be answer, and this channel always have those answers! THANK YOU!!! Keep it up and Happy New Year!!

  15. Thank you Dr. Barnard for sharing the process of producing dairy. I was in tears even though I know the story. I shared this segment on my social media and hope it will help people realize another reason why they should not have it.

  16. Thank you for all the advice. I am a mom of two and I am so thankful for vegan doctors. It’s really hard for me to get my family on board with a full vegan lifestyle but I try my best everyday to give them vegan snacks meals and try to mix it up. I can’t call myself a vegan because me and my kids take honey once a day for medicinal reasons when our allergies act up we buy from a small local bee farm from a very loving family and it seriously takes away our allergies symptoms so that my kids don’t have to take harmful prescriptions for allergies. I have love for all animals especially the bees, if we take it for medicinal reasons is it still cruel to the bees and bad for us? I don’t think so but I wanted to get some input from others especially a vegan doctor

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