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  1. Today I was removed from a site because of not being vaccinated and I'm not going to get vaccinated. I can't do anything about it because I'm working for a company that has a contract with the company that terminated me. People we'd better get our own company because if we don't things are going to be bad for us. I'm hoping to have things up and running in 2 months.

  2. Hi! Kim I missed the live show. I make goat milk cream and lotion for family and would like to turn it in to a business. I am looking for wholesale pet packaging, do you have any suggestions?. I will apply for my LLC this week.

  3. Hey Kim! Thank you so much for for letting us no about "Butcher Box" I have been searching for a "trustworthy", business to purchase my meat from. I just signed up and placed my order! I also purchased you BBB Course and "DP" course. I look forward to seeing you on the first of February! Thank you again! P.S. Do you know of any trustworthy business to purchase my produce? Thanks and bless you Queen!

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