12-20-2021 Tommy Vs Mommy

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  1. Mersh I can tell you believe in God but I want you to know that you can be assured of yout salvation. All you have to do is sincerely hate that your (our) sins put Jesus on the cross and I promise you, and the book of Joel confirms, anyone that calls out to God can and will be saved. You don't have to feel like 75% chance of going to hell, you go to hell for what you don't do, follow Jesus in this life, not what you do. You seem like a discerning guy and I hope to see you someday on the other side.

  2. The beast system wins for 3 1/2 years then they face the wrath of God and hell on earth, literally. The thing about the mark of the beast is people will willingly take it and imo based on the Bible as a whole the rapture/blessed hope/harpozo/catching away happens before the antichrist and those that are too young to understand the gravity of sin and personal accountability will also be taken away because God is just and fair.

    Btw you're free to not believe any of this the same I'm free to read, study and believe the scriptures but don't start the "flying spaghetti monster sky daddy" argument it's old and obviously we won't change each other's minds. Maranatha!

  3. The Zero Crowd, yeah i like that. I'm not going to speak for the rest of you. I knew from a pretty young age that i wasn't gonna have kids, i didn't want to have obligations to society etc. You can tell me i'm a loser, & you'd be sort of right, although even now i'm not really unhappy. I'm just at the point where i'd rather take a bullet than live in a world where my future continuously teeters on whether or not i've had the next safe & effective treatment. Of course i'd rather give a well-deserved bullet before that happens, but fuck me i'm a leaf.

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