A Look at Mexico's Cannabis Laws

In this video, I discuss Mexico’s cannabis laws and the historic decisions from Mexico’s Supreme Court that made it legal for …


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  1. It is dangerous keep marihuana ilegal in mexico, carteles make money selling low quality weed at high price, people are in danger when they are buying ilegal. The solution is legalize it, give opportunity to people to buy seeds, grow them themselves and give permission to sell it or to buy it, consumption and production limits are required, open the market, the government should open his own stores but just allow use the 54% market and give 46% market to private stores.

  2. In México is not legal a marihuana.
    This procces is bad.

    (Sorry, my lenguaje is spanish).

    Manden campañas, imágenes, protestas, maneras de vivir en California, Washington, Nueva York, Colorado, Arizona.
    Donde cómo la marihuana a mejorado la economía de esos estados de su país, como la gente es más feliz, como tienen todo para mejor .

    Hágansela llegar a Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (president the México) .

    Love to Canada and Usa
    Love “marijuana” (Marihuana🥰)

  3. Paul, sorry this is off-topic but recently on a couple of different channels the new Quitana Roo visitor tax was brought up as well as the idea that the 180 day visa-less visitor stay was being changed. Any info you can give on these?

  4. Hey Paul, I had asked a question awhile back that you answered, and now I see that the video was made private, so I can't see the answer anymore. What was the title of a person that you can hire to help through the immigration process, to do the paperwork and such?

    I've completed the in the US portion OF the process, and want to hire someone to help with the in Mexico part, as my Spanish is still poor.

  5. I would love a video on bank accounts that would be good that we could use in the USA and Mexico. I have heard good and bad about Charles Schwab. There must be others? Also a video on which lawyer to use for immigration. I have heard bad things about mexlaw.

  6. Weed in Mexico is way cheaper than the US legal states and is very easy to get in my experience. It’s also decriminalized for possession of less than 6 grams so when you ask the cabbie for 500 pesos worth you will likely be over that limit unless they rip you off. I’ve found that 500 pesos usually gets me a half ounce

  7. Rue I'm a retired NYPD sergeant and I want to file for residence to Mexico. I've always loved Mexico and my fiancé is a Mexican citizen, actually also an American citizen for 27 years. I'm seriously thinking of going to live there qeuretero or Merida … How do I file for residency. We're actually thinking of getting married in Mexico January 2023

  8. It's a cluster of a conundrum. lol. I was just in Zipolite where a lifeguard offered to sell me some weed as I walked down the beach. And then on the street, vendors were openly selling magic brownies next to the jewelry.

  9. Paul, a propos of nothing at all, are you by any chance planning on doing a video on Mexican income tax? I must confess I (and no doubt many others) have long been under the impression that there would be a considerable tax advantage to moving to Mexico – but a recent glance online at Mexican federal income tax rates would suggest that this is not at all the case. I know that I for one would really appreciate your insights in this! 😊

  10. shorter answer: no matter what the law says, if you smoke a lot of pot and come to Mexico, you are putting yourself at high risk because if you get caught with A LOT OF pot (or any other illegal drug) you'll be seen by corrupt cops as a walking dollar bag, ready to be squeezed with bribes. They will arrest you, put you in the most horrible cell, with a guy who pretends that is a serial killer (who is just a street drunkard trained by them to scare rich people). And you'll be too scared to do anything but to pay. Truth is that if it is a single toke, most cops would not care. This is spoecially true at Cancun, Playa del Carmen, and Tulum, because drug dealers are controlled by corrupt government officials (most government in mexico is) so as this activity makes them richer than most wall streeet moguls. You'll be offered a LOT of drugs there, as as long as you don't openly do it in public and carry a small amount, Mexican cops will turn the blind eye.

    Being an American citizen has it's perks, acting wild at the resort strips is kinda tolerated, as long you don't cause public disturbances.

  11. Thanks!
    I have been researching this topic for a long time.
    No one has covered this.
    I even asked TANGERINE TRAVELS, and received a smug reply. I unsubscribed from their channel.

  12. Never done a drug in my life , but id rather be the guy drinking beer and surrounded by people smoking pot than being surrounded by drunks. Might try it when im 60 , just turned 50 so i bave time 😂

  13. Thanks for your channel and videos!
    Video suggestion = Can you please do a similar video on the rights one has (at least technically) for visitors/residents/citizens during a search or seizure or a car stop by Mexican police? Thanks

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