Growing Cannabis in Australia, Australian Outdoor, Cannabis Breeding, Pheno Hunt, Grow Hacks

australian #cannabis #outdoor #grow #hack #pheno # hunt.


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  1. Get great video, just seeing if what you're were saying about weed being the best in Australia, does that still count for Tasmania too, even tho our place is a little more cooler then the mainland

  2. I don’t use marijuana at all but the governments need to decriminalise it use and personal use.even open up shops for ppl to buy it and tax it we wouldn’t need trade with China again lol

  3. hey brother, i am located in tasmania. would like to say thank you very much for you're informative video. i am 24 with a damaged spinal cord due to a car accident in 2018, and am growing first time for pain releif reasons. any tips for growing down here? i just sprouted 4 seeds in a got house, a couple inches long, seem really healthy but i know nothing about growing, if possible i would love to talk via email or something, if not it's cool and i am stoked with this vid. great job my brother.

  4. Bro, Your video was so on point. This is the first time ive seen your channel. And I agree with you. So many videos from the US show us how to go to jail. We have the best sun in the world. It's free! Less then 9 is a great tip. Genetics are key. Some nutrition is good but you can use many different organic methods which are much safer in my opinion. Smart man

  5. Might be a good idea to set a schedule for livestreams, could have the days and times on the banner image on ya channel. Every time i miss a stream i kick myself theyre good fun

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