Merchants of Misery and Alpha Gurus with Michael Foster

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  1. I don't see how anyone could recommend marriage… Yes you might be happy now but you hsve not died and neither has your wife and until someone is dead you have not succeeded at it… You are just still married.. And yes some people are happily married but the statistics are awful and if you want out you get dragged through the mud and if she wants out the same happens. And if I look at married men they are using their wife's as a hooker trying to appease her in exchange for p sleeve… Its the dumbest thing you could ever do with your life. Anyone who promotes it is just selling misery.

  2. This incessant garbage (liminal order, black rifle coffee co., etc..) is just par for the course for the fake masculinity movement that has emerged. It’s all a either grift and/or repressed g@y$ projecting what they think β€œreal” men should emulate.

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