Coffee with MarkZ 12/28/2021

People are finally getting back where they belong.


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  1. So, in other words, you are just guessing. There is no intel. Something new for you though. Normally you just kick the can. But like "those people that have the information" you added an, It might happen sooner" to hedge your, "Guru prediction." You had said before that, "We were waiting for Iraq to post it's budget." Good, "Guru prediction" you never said which year. So far, ALL of your INTEL has been wrong. Your, "We always knew(s): It will happen on a Sunday; on a three day weekend; Iraq follows the White papers; Iraq posts a rate (a year ago); have ALL been wrong. Face it, you're just guessing, while creating the illusion that somehow you have information we have been waiting for. Twice in the last year, you have stated that you had information, but that, "they" were leaning on you not to share it. A screen capture of your You Tube video from 11/11/21 you quoted Bruce Coville: "Withholding information is the essence of tyranny. Control of the flow of information is the tool of the Dictatorship." This can be applied to our current Government, your podcast and whomever your, "sources" are. Thus, I am sharing, not withholding, the information I have obtained directly from you. If it were me, based on the number of possible senior citizens, and known Persons With Disabilities that view your podcast, you might consider adding, "FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY." The regular income (clicks) and the super stickers create enough revenue that there could be an impression that these people are being taken advantage financially. IMO.

  2. This man is a rare one he gets up here to help us understand what’s going day after day listening to trolls not getting pain not sale a room full of things if your one complaining just think about that not many out there that truly cares like him and he still don’t let trolls get to him amazing see this man is going to be one of the ones that will truly be bless in my opinion

  3. All the decentralized stuff is dumb because we're not going to be dealing with a corrupt system anymore more. Once the corruption is gone there need to be something to keep everything honest and legit

  4. I am sure this will be deleted by these CANCEL CULTURE ppl, they are so hypocritical! WHY ARE YOU PPL FULL OF HOPIUM (and shit!) still waiting for Santa on his winged horse to bring you FREE money!
    Have to give this 'Used Car Salesman' can ramble bullshit to get his money from you all! NOTHING WILL HAPPEN PPL!! MOVE ALONG!!

  5. Regarding the dangerous antics of the mask wearers. The truth has been out. When it is announced on MSM that it was all a lie, those who got the thing in their arm will go even more unhinged. They will not be able to face the truth, just as they are unable now. It's gonna get ugly.

  6. I'm not here to bash Mark. I'm like many other people that are tired of being strung along. This is not Mark's fault but he clearly is part of the show. I just can't stand hearing the same thing over and over again for weeks and months on end. The hype gets more intense the closer they believe this thing is. The truth is that nothing will happen until everything collapses. There's no way they're going to revalue our currency while this current idiot is in the White House. There are several people claiming to have Intel on the RV that contradict each other greatly. I stopped listening to almost all of them. If it happens it happens. If I lose my money and get it shoved in my can, that's on me. I know I'm not making any money off of any RV Intel though.

  7. I just don't think any change will happen until Martial Law is inacted. We need the Military to take over & reinstate Trump. Otherwise Biden would get the credit for the great change in the economy with wage increases, price reductions, & love & respect for the elderly, children, & babies. Go Trump!!! MAGA Γ—2..πŸ™β£οΈ

    I Can't be the Only One Thinking This !

  9. I hate missing out reading and joining in on conversations with you all. Where can I get notifications from you like I used to? Looking for you is like finding a needle in a haystack.

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