The Thom Hartmann Program Live (12/21/2021) ***Happy Winter Solstice***

Is the World Throwing Off the Chains of Neoliberalism? (1) In these days of dark news from the rise of militarism to a new wave of …


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  1. How about this, Thom. As a consumer, I loathe so vehemently freaking ads, all of them.They repeat their crap constantly and invade my brain & I don't like having shite in my head that I didn't invite by reading or watching by choice.And that means no soliciting, I don't want to hear it. I cancelled cable when they found a way to defeat the goddamned Mute button on the remote. So, if I am forced to watch ads I refuse to buy from anyone who puts an ad in front of me. I refuse to buy anything that puts advertising out there. Since it's really a scam today to think that ads sponsor shows, that's untrue, since they run ads, period, and getting money for a specific show isn't the case anymore. And why cable forces us to pay for stations we'd not likely ever watch.

  2. Thom, trachea is the word you want. From throat, starts with larynx,[if choking you punch hole at neck base where collar bones end,and trachea is where hole gets made bypassing neck, where choking blocks air passage] So, trachea extends3-4 inches to 2 bronchi branches left and right then to bronchioles, that lead to the aveoli, the air sachs.

  3. Thom. Concerning your hope that we are “on the verge of a new progressive era” …
    I am afraid we will see much more political violence before that happens. Did you see the reports on the latest from Turning Point USA?

  4. Happy Winter Solstice ! Witches Rede (rule): "Harm Ye None" ( Harm no one, not even yourself ) ( we DON"T worship the "devil" or anything evil that christians believe in)

  5. Sorry, disagreed completely. LBJ & FDR would never have allowed a Manchin to run the show. Biden loves to tout his negotiation prowess, when in reality he really is a weak negotiator & in understanding leverage. He’s as much to blame for this disastrous road of the BBB. (As is Schumer for not disclosing the memo he & Manchin made among themselves re: the maximum dollar amount Manchin was willing to support back in June). Biden didn’t push the BBB thru on the wave of the success of the Recovery Act when his strength & momentum were at their height. And I’m sorry, but Manchin’s & his family’s corruption IS a leverage point that should be implemented. As is his coal holdings. When you’re dealing w/a party who does not negotiate in good faith, then you must be ready to ratchet up the pressure in equal & increasing amounts.

  6. New Democrat Coalition and Progressive Caucus each have 95 members and unfortunately the New Democrats are not losing members. For whatever reason many are in both caucuses and a good chunk of the Progressive Caucus are anything but, including those such as Hakeem Jeffries and Adam Smith.

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