European powers say they are nearing end of road to save Iran nuke deal | 2015 Iran Nuclear Deal
Three European powers have said that “we are rapidly reaching the end of the road” to save the 2015 Iran nuclear deal as Tehran …
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America is the root of all terror. America has invaded sixty countries since world war 2.
In 1953 America overthrow Iran’s democratic government Mohammad Mosaddegh and installed a brutal dictator Shah. America helped Shah of Iran to establish secret police and killed thousands of Iranian people.
When in America black people were not allowed to vote and white ku klux klan used to lynching black people all the time. Black people are still treated worse than pigs here.
During Iran-Iraq war evil America supported Suddam Hossain and killed millions of Iranian people. In 1989, America, is the only country ever, shot down Iran’s civilian air plane, killing 290 people.
In 2003,America invaded Iraq and killed 1,000,000+ innocent Iraqi people and 4,000,000+ Iraqi people were displaced
Iran is correct America broke the deal and cannot be trusted. the biggest criminals ever existed came to this country called America and has made it a launching pad to terrorize the rest of the world.
Let the US UK France and Russia destroyed there nuclear first very bias state US you have the nuclear and you don't want other people to have it
I don't understand why they are stonewalling. After all of those sanctions crippling their economy I'd assume that the Persians would be eager to have the deal back in play.
It's all about coming of Messiah .all have to happen to confirm for this generation that's we are in verge of dispensation , prepare the way for glorious coming of Messiah
Massive air strike
Massive air strike
Massive air strike
Toward the end it was stated that Israel had twice attacked the "Arab nation's" nuclear program. This would be a surprise to the Iranians, and an insult. Iran is a Persian nation, not an Arab one.
Don't abandon your weapon development..look at syria..every day is bombed by apartheid state..iran should not make the same mistake.
By the way, Iran is not an "Arab nation".
Anyone who thinks Iran stopped work on nuclear weapons at any time other than after airstrikes and sabotage is loose in the head . They have always kept working at some level even during the JCPOA .
Nuck Iran …. sooner or later you 'll have t do it .
Someone deliberately wants the talks fail read between rhetorics.
so is hearing what everyone in the west has know since forever that a large creator should open and swallow Iran whole the world would be a better place
We Iranians don't care, Lift the sanctions or we will wait until we have a new leader who isnt so soft on getting a nuke bomb.
Give up now ,they are too close to breakthrough
No agreement is expected. Surely, Iran will not surrender, especially with the suport of China and Russia. Bigger war with Israel is inevitable.
The west will say that negotiations have broken down even though they make no concessions…and then launch war on Iran with Israel in tow!!!!
First tell them to take
The face diapers off.
European powers???are you kidding ?UK last time took Iranian oil tanker in Gibraltar Iranian took British tanker even after UK released their ship Iranian release UK ship after two weeks ,Germany is US puddle they even are not allowed have some equipment after WW2 and must get permission from US the same goes with Japan and Southkorea and … stop BS ,even US got hit with huge Iranian missiles after Attacking their general ,so every body know Iranian respond ,Israeli Bluff ,they even couldnt handle some Hezbollah fighters ,and start crying they have missiles and can hit us,
so any attack have huge response from Iranian and their allies and every body know it ,but if they look for war they know where to find them and stop bluffing
The Biden admin has been proving them up… has been trying to give the iranians the power and Iran has been thumbing it’s nose at him. It’s a joke.
Is India doing anything to help?
Iran has never stopped working on nuclear weapons !
Screw Iran !
this is all trump's fault. Like it or not, we have to swallow this harsh reality.
why you don't say USA Violet the deal I don't know why this hypocrisy growing in the world
no child policy for those below poverty and one child policy for those below median income.
Iran must be put under heavy heavy manners.
Sections are not broad enough, and more sanctions are needed to have Iran comply properly
iran wants nukes, no negotiation,no sanction,embargo,isolation, assassination, can stop iran, the west must wake up in their deep sleep , in only thing to stop them is attack and destroy, the west are talking shit and the irans are busy with their nukes ,the next thing happens is , the iranians test its first nukes,,,,,,,
Turn it into a parking lot…put up a McDonald's and sell Goat Burgers.
If the nuclear program is more advanced than it has ever been, then why are people convinced that Iran was playing by the rules? Iran NEVER stopped. NEVER did they EVER intend on not continuing to build a nuclear bomb. They would have had one already if not for all the sabotage by the US and Israel.
Iran did not break the Agreement.!! The Agreement was fulfilled until the Zionist State of Israel and AIPAC, convinced Trump to break the Agreement.!! Please tell the Truth!!
Trump didn't understand walking away for the negotiations and increasing sanctions is a major set back . America can only blame themselves for this missed opportunity.
when the UN, Israel and US say that iran is near in making a nuclear bomb, it is. iran never shied out of wanting to nuke israel from the face of the earth. if the talks do fail, israel will never allow iran to reach nuclear bomb making potential. either they will destroy or delay it by any means necessary and whatever the cost. it was done before, it can be done again. hardball time…
The West cannot stand against the combined might of China and Russia. China and Russia now have the military power to beat any Western enemy anywhere at any time in any ocean or continent, including the main enemy the Americans.
At this point I hope Iran gets a nuke and uses it.
Excuse me…you say, iran began to violate after Trump walkout.
Are u reading this news with knowledge or u r just like a sick parrot ?
Where did iran violate?
Iran stayed abiding for 1 full year after all partners ditched iran, then it began rolling back within the allowed parameters of the JCPOA terms, its backtracking were still within the JCPOA framework, not in any violation.
So don't mislead your listeners if you dint have enough knowledge.
The American s legs are cut off now can not comply
Let the American s put there promise in act then Iran to return if not it's them to lose