Rick Rule: What the precious metals super cycle means for you

Today, commodities investing legend Rick Rule and ABC Bullion’s Shae Russell discuss why it’s more important than ever for …


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  1. When Rick Rule is speaking, I drop everything, get comfy with a cup of tea and sit and listen with the greatest of intent and make as many notes as I can! Thank you Shae, and thank you, Mr Rule!

  2. Gold (or any investment that has a longer up trend) getting cheaper is a good thing, because you dollar cost average your purchases lower, which means more combined profit later. It's a hard thing to get your head around at first, but when you understand it, it makes perfect sense.

  3. Normally Rick Rule's interviews are not as interesting to me as , say, Peter Schiff or George Gammon, but this interview was excellent. Thank you for the information

  4. Ive been stacking physical PMs for 20 years. They are a great investment if you never have to sell.. The two times I had a financial crisis and had to sell some I got screwed. Still waiting for the "paper manipulation" to end but don't think it will end in my lifetime. Buying and holding PMs is a suckers bet. Still stacking.. I like Rick but sadly the manipulation wont end in his lifetime either. BUY BTC

  5. That is probably the best laid out argument on green energy and uranium I ever heard. It all illustrates the problem I have with it, but I could not unpack it so nicely myself.

  6. this guy should sell timeshares in Florida he's not to be trusted by the time he gives you this expert testimony it is already too late he will profit from your misguided behavior

  7. correction: so-called "global warming" IS A PURE LIE. CO2 does not cause global warming. CO2 does not cause rise in ocean levels. CO2 is not pollution. CO2 is what plants "inhale" (and they "exhale" O2 (and store the C in their green leaves) … O2 being what humans (and other animals) "inhale"). More CO2 in the atmosphere makes green plants grow better … which means more food == good for poor folks (and everyone else). For more information about the fraud called "global warming" or "climate change", see the Tony Heller channel. Air temperatures are not warming, ocean levels are not rising, "climate change" is pure fraud.

  8. The reason why they pushing their fake narrative so aggressively is beca cuse commodities will probably enter a long bearmarket so their credibility will go to zero but they don't care because another commodities bull market will occur not sooner than 2030. All these pumpers will be gone and they will replace them .

  9. Never look for anyone to blame but yourself unless they have absolute power over you and never blame God he's the only one that has that therefore never look beyond your own heart

  10. Rick is so right! It’s the difference between speculating and investing. Buy a sold stock where you are confident in their future and let it ferment for years. Voila! If you picked well the reward is satisfying.

  11. Rick speak for yourself I am 69 years old have never participated in government hand outs ,payed the government since I was 18 and I am still paying our government and worked hard to achieve my prosperity unlike so many please be careful about lumping everyone in the same category ! Still love your opinions on other matters

  12. Wonderful interview Shae! That was some gold right there. It is always enlightening listening to Rick, but that is one of the best interviews I think I have seen with him. The interview was able to establish significant clarity around emerging developments in the broader resources sector in general and precious metals in particular. No doubt many of his comments will turn out to be quite prescient. Merry Xmas to all.

  13. I,ll buy into global warming as soon as they stop world wide spraying of the skys. Call it what you may GEO ENGINEERING OR SOLAR RADIATION MANAGEMENT, OR THE DENIED CHEM TRAILS. They sure as hell not condensation trails. CON TRAILS. Just look up you will see it.

  14. Why is everyone blaming boomers? Most of them spent their lives voting against government debt and expanding entitlements. It is younger generations who continually revive these destructive policies.

  15. Australians would rather revert to a Neanderthal type existence than go nuclear, funny people are sh*t scared of it. Happy to sell tons of it out of Olympic Dam mine but use it ? No way ! its back to foraging for nuts and berries.

  16. Unfortunately misused taxes and allocations to who knows where creates the problem where people reach the end of their working career and say it is time for restitution. Hello someone makes an effort to invest soundly and then pays 32.5 % tax on profit capital gains need to be reviewed and adjusted. Unfortunately a greater percentage of middle class investment holdings is sold off and absorbed by increases to cost of living. Many people are already supliminting income loss by working hard off their own back so as to not burden government social funding , yet they are kicked in the but for making an extra effort. So yes when the time comes they will expect assistance.

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