How Foie Gras Went From Luxury To Controversy | Rise And Fall

Chefs see it as a culinary necessity. Activists see it as the product of torture. Farmers see it as their livelihood. How did foie gras …


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  1. it's like the lady said….."When will it end?"…..they'll keep going until they end all animal agriculture…….take away their 501 c status, make them start paying taxes, they won't have so much money to influence lawsuit and legislation

  2. Animal activists should typically be ignored.

    The only time it is okay is killing an animal humanely. That has nothing to do with ethics, but the end product tastes better.

    Also, those aren't real demonstrators. Those are the same people who are paid money to protest. They even reuse the signs at different unrelated protests.

  3. I don't mind foie gras as much as I do caviar for example. In the end, you get more use out of the animal you butcher. You get the liver and I bet you get some nice meat on top.
    Should they force-feed the animals? Probably not.
    I'm a carnivore, I love my meat. But the way we have been consuming meat for decades now is not acceptable. We all want the most tender pieces of the animal. But in reality, this is not sustainable.
    Take pork for example. One pig has 2 tenderloins, but 20 people want the tenderloin. which means you need to slaughter 10 pigs. After everyone has their tenderloin you're left with 40 trotters a lot of intestines, a shitload of pork chops, … It is not sustainable!
    And that's why I hate caviar. They slaughter an inedible fish (sturgeon) for the eggs… And that's it, all the rest is thrown away.
    The truth is that if we want to keep consuming meat we need to go to whole animal butchering. Don't slaughter another animal until all the meat of the previous one is sold.

  4. It's cruel. That's all there is to it. I'm a farmer, we raise beef. I can't imagine how anyone can defend jamming a large tube down animals esophagus three times a day to force feed them four or five times their daily ration of food in order to make the animals liver take up a third of its body to be humane.

  5. "we make them happy as feeding them".. what the heck.. I won't be happy to feel the tube come inside my mouth and filled with food when I am already full.. I can't even taste the food you know! crazy people!

  6. What i would've liked to see is an intervew with a biologist, a veterinary, someone who understands chemistry and what really happens with the ducks after a force feed. I haven't seen that.
    Thus, I'm not interested in anything here.

  7. I kinda hate the cult that vegan has become but honestly killing animals for taste should be a passe sentiment now. But then I am Indian, the world's largest population of vegetarians so yeah my opinion is biased.

  8. Markets rise and fall every single day. When we learned that something is harmful it is up to us to have the morals and ethics to stop it. Chefs will find something else to fill their menus with and the farmers will find another use for the Ducks.

  9. Remove the Cruelty by feeding them a higher fat diet. Simple. Price goes up bur if you're eating fancy French delicacies every other day you can afford it tbh. There is no excuse for unnecessary Cruelty.

  10. Foie gras means DECEASED LIVER 🤦🏻why can’t people understand this , Force feed em and wait for the duck 🦆 to weirdly sick ,kill it ripped apart and eat the sick golden liver wooow humans are bizarreee

  11. Even if the livers were not artificially fattened, the birds would still go to butcher for human consumption. That is why they were bred and raised. Nobody is fattening the liver on anybody's pet bird that is desired to remain living for companionship.

  12. Harming an innocent duck by force feeding him to be slaughtered and his liver eaten is bad.

    Killing an innocent calf to eat veal is bad.

    Killing innocent animals in general is bad.

    Killing an innocent preborn baby is ok because the host ends an innocent life so the host's life can go on as normal.

    Killing innocent animals is selfish.

    Killing innocent human preborn children isn't selfish because the host's life is more important.

  13. Considering the number of children that go hungry in this country every day. It seam stupid to worry about a few over fed ducks that are going to slaughter in three weeks. They are not going to live long enough to suffer and die from chronic liver disease.

  14. Unfortunately no matter what we do, there'll always be animal abuse in one form or another. Whether it's this or even killing mink for fur coats. Humans suck. And most of it is sh** we don't really need. There are plenty of alternatives.

  15. I understand that many people are going to lose their livelihoods if the cruelty is stopped. But they can find themselves other jobs I'm sure. Isn't it more important to curb cruelty? I cannot fathom being cruel to innocent animals because it's my livelihood. I'd rather look for a different career.

  16. We r so ahead in science foes gras in lab is totally fine this is just stupid to say they like it being force feed cruelly even though vets say no it is really dangerous really just for the sake of your tongue. Those innocent creatures 😭😭🥺🤧

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