No, your Tesla is NOT WORSE for the environment than an ICE car!!

A recent Facebook post that’s gain a lot of traction claims that charging your Tesla or other EV is WORSE for the environment than …


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  1. I post a link to a video by a physicist on the hyperloop that should interest you, and you don't just ignore it, you delete it! Censorship in all its full glory! I suppose you'll delete this too.

  2. Thorium reactor fans really need to have a reality check. Those reactors are far from ready for commercial operation. I would love for this not to be the case, but we are at least a decade, and more likely two decades, away from any MSR design becoming commercially available for power generation. There are major both technical and economical obstacles for nuclear power currently. For the foreseeable future the heavy lifting for decarbonization is going to be wind, solar, hydro and batteries.

  3. The thing is sometimes that argument is used only taking into account the comparison of building an ICE car vs a BEV. But I think the new Tesla 4680 is supposed to also reduce the battery manufacturing pollution and price thanks to the dry electrode tech removing the need for huge furnaces.
    Also about Nuclear, IV gen Thorium MSR reactors are nuclear waste recycling capable.

  4. A lot of requests for a video on Thorium Molten Salt Reactors Climate Scientists probably overestimate the time we need to get to zero CO2 emissions. How is any nuclear reactor relevant in that time frame? I'm not seeing any security or radioactive leakage issues with solar & batteries. TMSR may be useful some day for conversion of long lived waste, but at best a distraction at this crucial time in history.

  5. This FUD Chestnut gets rolled over every year or two! The other common one is ppl saying that because of the energy intensive nature of battery production that Teslas themselves are worse for the environment than ICE Cars Lifetime. This has been thoroughly debunked.
    I think Elon is constantly pushing to make batteries and cars more sustainably. 4680, MegaCasting, octavalve, insulated glass, million mile drivetrains… the list goes on… A lot of this gets spun as market advantage but it's as important to the effort to making cars sustainable.

  6. Energy used per mile driven would be the best comparison, No?
    But also, the energy used (and pollution generated) during manufacture and mining of resources.

    I’m no expert, but I would guess that electric cars generate more pollution and consume more energy during manufacture, but during operation their efficiency gives them an advantage in both energy consumption and pollution.

  7. Major flaws in that myth-busting, sorry.

    For a start to fill a 15 gallon tank of petrol it requires refining of 33 gallons of crude oil. To do that refining requires 75KW of electrical power. So filling a tank of petrol typically involves more coal burning electrical generation before you even start the engine.

    Of course this does not include the extraction, direct polution, escaped gasses, spills, transporting and storage energy and CO2 costs that would be required to factor in in a comparable start to finish pollution comparison. All meaning, even with 100% coal burning electricity, that petrol cars are more polluting well before the petrol has even left the refinery. Burning the petrol in an ICE engine is only adding insult to injury.

  8. Why is it that when people compare ICE Vs BEV they somehow always ignore the energy consumed and the pollution created during the petrol refining process?
    and that is a good topic for an whole episode

  9. just to add to this….an ICE car is about 20% efficient, a power station is 35-40% efficient, makes a big difference even if using the worst type of fuel. Also power stations have emissions limits for all the nasty stuff that I car does not have.

  10. Also might be worth mentioning that a barrel of crude oil will yield about 19 gallons of gasoline. So full tank for a range of 300 miles takes about 32 gallons of oil, vs 8 gallons for battery charge for similar range. That is not including shipping crude oil from source to refinery, and refinery to pump.

    I guess ideological opponents would maintain their position, your clear explanation not withstanding… In the end, there will be only EVs. And it will be supremely satisfying to watch the naysayers having to drive an EV 😁

  11. Those who suggest there’s much more energy used to build an EV versus an ICE vehicle ignore them da t that, once a critical mass of EVs exist, over time, recycling of battery materials will greatly reduce the costs of creating new EVs. This advantage, of re-use doesn’t yet exist for EVs yet, but it will. Currently ICE vehicles enjoy material re-use due to being made of simpler materials; it’s easy to melt down an engine block and there’s plenty of them to melt down.

  12. To get 15 gallons of gas you have to refine that from some amount of oil, and there’s bound to be losses in that process too, with perhaps some waste product, though maybe the refining process loses little since it gets more than gasoline from the oil input; kerosene, plastics, etc are also extracted from oil. But the point is, the comparison of 8 gallons of oil versus 15 gallons of gasoline is actually worse for the gasoline powered vehicle due to the energy and potential waste of the refining process. Go Electric!

  13. Coal usage: check out North Dakota uses state Lignite heavily and could care less about going green to get rid of urban pollution having lived there. Sustainable power good examples are Norway hydro, Iceland geothermal,and Hawaii going solar and wind rapidly by state law. Do we have anyone in charge as a nation? BTW, have a great vacation!

  14. You can compare energy required by looking at its cost: it costs me A$6 to fill my Model3 LR with offpeak electricity. It costs me A$100 to fill my X3 diesel for roughly the same range (although half the diesel cost is tax). If 8 barrels of crude oil was required, cost would be 8 x US$70 = $560. If it were 8 gallons, cost would be 560/42 = US$13 raw cost, without any tax, markup, refining, electricity production etc cost. Obviously, no one is selling their electricity at half the cost of its raw material input, so some simple maths will tell you the claims are false.

  15. If you plug your Tesla in to a regional system which does not use coal and does not use oil, you are way better off! The PNW has only occasional reliance on oil during times of heavy consumption.

  16. Does 8 gallons of crude oil translate to 8 gallons of gasoline? How much energy is used to make gasoline out of oil? Gasoline also has transmission, in pumping and trucking to gas stations. And the gas stations need electricity to pump the fuel into cars and trucks.

  17. super fast fact check you can do:
    crude oil price (before processing, so this is very cheap): around 70USD / barrel
    So 8 barrel would be 560 USD.
    So making that energy would be 560USD at resource prices if the article would be true.
    If it really takes 8 barrels of oil, but charging up a Tesla is usually much less than 100USD (more like 15USD), then what happened with the missing money?

    So if Tesla is subsidizing the charging at a ridiculous extent, then they must spend lots of money: There are more than 1 million Model3 on the road. Average Tesla owner drives at least 10k miles on the road per year. Lets say that a fully battery runs for 300 miles. Calculating with these relatively conservative numbers, we get around 15 billion USD. If you see their yearly reports, this number is missing.
    This is comparable to (albeit a bit less) their yearly revenue. There is no way they could be profitable, and I was only calculating with the number of Model3s, the actual number is much bigger.
    Not to mention home charing. Which is around 15USD max. So the entire electricity grid is extremely heavily subsidised too? If the electricity is that insanely expensive (10x to 30x times!), than solar is ROI should be less a year with real prices, and so on…. This really looks strange.

    So the initial assumption about the 8 barrels must be false, because it does not match with reality.

  18. Yes, please do an episode on molten salt reactors. My understanding is that in certain configurations they can be used to "burn up" the long-term radioactive waste from preassurized water reactors. Maybe that's a partial answer to the untenable idea of having to store the long half life wastes for hundreds of thousands of years.

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