The Spirit Science Psychedelics Movie

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  1. I so love all your videos, i don't follow the lifestyle or do the stuff you guys all journey into but i do find it all interesting to hear about. Thank you for all the work you do on these Videos i just cant seem to get enough of it. I found you more for the anunaki vids and the history of things.

  2. At 1:29:50 you mention there was only wine and no psychedelics however tests of 2000 year old wine holders have proven wine in those days was not just grapes but had many psychoactive substances in them. Just as with beer the ingredients of wine and beer were not defined as we know the today until a few hundred years ago. Hence when you read wine do not think of grapes but rather a concentrate of psychoactive ingredients that were added to water!!! Thus making your argument that much more real.

  3. why do you guys skip over west/central/southern africa ? they must be evidence of 'shamans' using psychedelics there aswell because i know they still practice this today.

  4. Some day in the future when society is ready, We need an official 🍄 eating day for all of humanity world wide like a future 420 in a sense but for shrooms. Eating shrooms is like having the responsibility of wielding a double edged light saber.

  5. When we're born we produce DMT and when we die.. In between, we have to learn to use our Pineal Glands and learn to get high on our own supply…. It's ALL about getting rid of ALL negativity, learning to zone out and learning about breathing properly… 1 ❤️ people! Sending you all positive vibes through the Aether…. ☯️💫❤️ Everything is LOVE
    Live in the moment, the past is gone and we can only really hope for a brighter future ( especially in today's climate…) NOTHING is set in stone either, we never know when our time will be up………. ❤️❤️

  6. Never got a buzz from aminitas but add them to the cow pie mushrooms and stand by…lol. add some Syrian Rue and you will have conversations you were not prepared for……make a tincture with all three….

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