1686: Broscience That Actually Works, How to Know You Are Training Too Much & More

00:00 MAPS Powerlift Giveaway 01:20 Mind Pump Fit Tip: Frequency, volume, intensity, and their inverse relationship when it comes to your workouts. 08:13 …


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  1. I woke up yesterday. Let out a bad digestion fart that lasted 7 seconds. 3 initial seconds were shifting into 5th gear, the last 4 were like smooth blowing. Was proud of my self.

  2. Broscience ex. gotta get a pump and feel the burn. Well duh it feels great, but that mindset's more modeled towards iso work on a muscle part after the big compound lifts (ex. triceps extensions after presses), I've fallen into this misconception by repping out dozens of DB presses in a single set then doing the same to triceps, complete burnout and waste of a workout sesh

  3. Broscience ex. drink the protein shake 30 min. after lifting or you'll miss out on that key protein syntheses window or something when really it's advice means to consume protein within the next few hours after depleting energy stores or ATP etc.

  4. Not sure if I can tire of the frequency/volume/intensity discussion. Conversation evolves and changes based upon current fitness goals. Thanks for revisiting!

  5. Hey guys, I’ve been listening for a year now. Little bit background.. Did Olympic wrestling for 7 years, attended IFBB Men’s Physique multiple times, now been doing personal training in Toronto and 26 years old. I wish I could heard about you earlier in my career. Your knowledge brings a big responsibility with itself to teach&educate people in fitness space and I must say you are doing a very good job, personally appreciate it.

  6. Finch wasn’t that bad. I’ve certainly sat through worse. You have to give it it props for one thing, though: the end came via solar flare and not man made global warming.

  7. Just this week I asked some of the people who work and train at the gym the same question about frequency, volume, intensity but I was basically laughed at. I left and could hear them laughing as I was walking away. I am one of those that tracks every lift I do because I am trying to learn what my body can do. I was increasing reps and weight because I wanted an increase in volume EVERY time. It is so foolish but since I am not huge nor lift heavy it seems foolish to think that I am overdoing it. Even knowing the science its still challenging to take up space or time for a rest period between sets… but those two mistakes were ruining my workout.

  8. He's a bit Jordan Shallow-ish where he's hard to follow for the average listener at times, but Dr. Mike Israetel would be a good guest to have on to discuss his work around measuring volume, frequency, and intensity

  9. I would think a reason you feel like you recover better with the destress blend is because it calms your body and takes it out of "fight or flight". It can lower the cortisol spike you can get from working out or just higher stress. Then your body is actually able to recover better. You can't recover of you have high cortisol/adrenaline 😊 I love Ned too!

  10. Manipulating volume was a revelation for me. I started out training in the Starting Strength style of linear progression. You guys talking about the value of training different thresholds and Bromley stressing the importance of volume for strength athletes both influenced me to switch gears.

    I’m now running a wave progression moving through different rep thresholds every few weeks and hitting high volume until I “own” the rep thresholds than tapering to high intensity/low volume within each threshold.

    I just got my previous 5rm deadlift for 9 reps and my pressing numbers are going up so fast I’m doing 5+ AMRAPS at weights I’ve never lifted for 1 rep previously. I got a whole new round of “newbie gains” from that one change.

  11. So I started listening to you guys this past summer, and just WOW! One thing specifically is I started deadlifting, I was kinda nervous to do so , and ya’ll said watch strength in other areas go up and to comment with the results— well in two months my barbel row went up 50lbs and I’m seeing strength increase in other lifts too! Thank you for bringing raw fitness truth!

  12. Had to take a break from my workout when they started talking about farts. Impossible to do squats listening to Adam talk about Sal wafting his own farts while flexing.🤣

  13. As a literal scientist, I really appreciated the bro-science segment of this episode. I've never understood why people feel the need to undermine a proven process just because the messaging is off.

  14. Protein Farts be blowing HUBS completely outta the room! Again, I never think they smell as bad as he says and it happens most often in my sleep, so there's not a damn thing I can do about it. LOLOLOL

  15. I totally agree with adam, as soon as i stopped drinking protein shakes and get more protein from whole foods like chicken or beef not only my digestion got better but i start to feel more full, love you guys, some of the things i learned from you folks i never got it from even food nutritionists, keep up the great work!

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