what does CBD do for skin

What does CBD do for skin? a question I have been asked a lot. So in this video I delve into the topic of CBD, what is CBD, what are the effects of CBD, what are …


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  1. Good morning from NYC Abigail I love all your video for our skin need, I just have a question does face massage really help aged face
    because I lost 30 lbs and my lower face the marionette is making me crazy I am 58 years young. Thank you

  2. Recién descubrí tu canal., tengo 42 y estoy emocionada de empezar con tus masajes, tendrás alguno par las bolsas de los ojos? Por favor podrías poner tus videos subtitulado en español? gracias

  3. Hello could you recommend something for age spots I’m a woman of color and 63 years young. 2 month ago I noticed age spots around my upper lip, like a mustache I’ve always exfoliated at least 1 a week and wear sunscreen. I work in a hospital so the mask 😷 covers my mustache thank goodness for that! Please help I’m so self conscious! I’m a new subscriber and love your videos, my daughter sent me your YouTube channel ❤️❤️

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