Delta 8 vs. Delta 10 THC comparison review

Which is the better of the two delta variants, Delta 8 or 10?


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  1. My first
    Card today
    And I’ve hit no more then 20 times . Haven’t gotten baked in a while .
    Btw great video I just want to know how commonly do you use these products and would you have the same beliefs on the delta 10 from blaze . Is it safe?

  2. Hey. I've tried 2 D10 products and I kind if agree that it does appear to be stronger effect than D8. All the D8 seems a bit light to me. I've even tried a couple pre roll D8s and they are just too harsh for me. Way more than cannabis.

  3. What's up just stumbled upon your Channel cuz I just tried Delta 10 today and I kept on seeing things about how delta-8 is better and I was like man that sucks but then after when I had barely half a joint of it it was nice

  4. I get both d8 and d10 too. I get them from Purlyf and they haven’t disappointed me. Delta 10 is by far the most similar to actual thc in every way. I do delta 8 for sleep and delta 10 for just chillin during the day whether it be video games, walk in the park or something like that 👌. D8 is a body high I guess and d10 is more of a focused head high. Also you look EXACTLY like my dad when he was in his 20s and it’s kind of trippy lol

  5. Watching somebody take a hit is not as cool as actually taking a hair why does everybody make it seem like it’s so cool you look stupid nobody wants to see you hitting something fast forward and just tell us what it’s like

  6. Ommmfg! This guy at 2:49 just made me spit through my bowl because I SWEAR he said “That puff, right there, just Tasted EXACTLY like some DI€K!”” 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀😹😹😹 (Regretful, like he KNOWS! 🥴🤢🤣) IVE NEVER LAUGHED SO HARD IN AWHILE! Thanks YouTube!!

  7. I’m all for his bathtub suggestion. Honestly, do it, great idea. ONE CAVEAT. If you have ANY sensitivity to peppermint it will light up the holes of your private parts like no other. The way to avoid this is to add the oils to some Epsom salts and throw that in, all clear plus additional benefits. Go take a bath.

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