Hemp, Alternate Financial Models and Maxines with Chris McIlrath



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  1. Governments will be obsolete as corruption is ripe and their methods of inefficiency and enslavement will be exposed to all so they're no longer causing debt for the bsnksters to run off with everyone's wealth through the fraudulent interest.

  2. Support payments do not need to be given out for nothing. There are many jobs/services people can do in the community to contribute. If people are struggling finding a job of their choice at the present moment in time, they are more than welcome to perform community services (help out on the hemp farms for example), and receive support payments for it.

  3. Great guest! Agree that so many people have things they want to do that are good for the community, but aren't financially lucrative enough to cover expenses in the inflated economy.

  4. Watch out!! This guy is a snake in the grass!!! Obviously you.know what you're doing Tom Barnett, you are asking all the right questions. Great interview!! Their answers betray themselves. They never once mentioned physical silver or gold as money.

  5. Your spot on Tom when you talk about the doers and the spenders and the risk of being disempowered…I love micheal Tellengers model however I see problems with the one small TOWN model in Australia ( Too long to get into here ), however also see a HUUUUGE opportunity if you take the CORE premise that underpins the Model. Esentially Creating Wealth ( Investor )33.3%, Distributing Out Wealth ( The People ) 33.3% and Reinvesting the Wealth ( The Business ) 33.3% of 100% of the Labour Component "Profit" ( 3 Hours Per Person Per Week ). This Hemp Business would be a perfect Start as you have an opportunity to vertically integrate ie. Create other related businesses in the future. The byproduct is that it " Empowers " everyone involved as each person has " Skin in the Game " So many other benefits too long to list.I would call it One Small " Business " because from small things BIG things grow!! Cheers

  6. Great interview Tom. At one time, hemp was the #1 export here in America….it still grows wild in many places, especially in the state of Illinois . Instead of trying to crowd fund that manufacturing plant, you can start by producing & either exporting some to other parts of the country or by starting small diversified product 'niches' & have not only cooperatives, but also working to assist in a co-op owned manufacturing plant. & I totally agree with the 'non-working' & getting paid to be slothful… everyone ( almost except severely disabled) can do SOMETHING, whether it's answering phones or taking food to home-bound elderly etc, painting stripes on the road etc…but I also agree that many have been discouraged about 'wanting' to do something, simply because our societies have not allowed our creativity to come forth. All of us know what we DON'T want, too many have no idea what they DO want.

  7. Ford motorcar company used hemp for a body panel…super tuff. It can grow on sewer, feed us with seeds, cure our ails, build houses, bioplastics, fuel production, clothes, one of the fastest growing crops on the planet. Making comments before the video is over and great to hear most things i am mentioning being talked about in the video.

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