Do Hydroponic Greens Have Less Pests? + More Organic Gardening Q&A

John from answers your organic gardening questions including the easiest way to turn kitchen scraps into compost, how to …


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  1. John will answer the following questions at the following times:

    01:14 How deep should I bury my irrigation system?

    Do you still recommend using PVC pipe?

    04:06 Do you rotate crops? Please provide an example

    06:58 How long are worm castings effective in your soil?

    09:16 How do you grow food in las vegas? any tips?

    12:40 What is the easiest way to turn kitchen scraps into compost to grow container vegetables on an apartment deck? (Don't want a worm bin)

    14:48 Any tips on how to grow ginger and turmeric?

    16:30 How do I ensure a plant I grow won't become an invasive species?

    Is the dirt outside likely to be fertile enough on its own?

    19:28 Can you use turmeric to bring back a plant that has stem rot?

    20:54 What greens should I be planting this fall in Tucson, AZ 9a?

    22:10 Do hydroponic crops have fewer pests than been soil grown?

    How do you see the future of backyard farming?

    25:58 What's the best organic solution for caterpillars without chemicals?

    27:18 I need to get a new compost tumbler. Do you still recommend the Jora 270 brand?

    29:50 Any future videos on gardening….mushrooms???

    30:20 Are you going to do a "how to grow can nabis indoors"?

    31:56 How can I create good fungi in my soil?

    33:58 What can I do with pests that are fully organic and won't change the taste of my tomatoes?

  2. You make cuss words sound cute… haha. So wish you would do a juicing or healthy eating recipe version of gardening. You have seriously begun to reverse age since your early vids. Got my baker heirloom seeds thanks to your tour vid of their seed store. Thanks soooo much. Much love from your fans, Alex and Krissi in NC

  3. John, I am shocked. I had to go back twice to be sure. at 27:00 you really said go back and pick them MFR's off. I had never heard you swear like that. Not sure if I am impressed or mortified. LOL

  4. Who knows? One thing they have is lots more chemicals that are harmful. The Organic Act says that organic food is only grown in soil-not chemically infused water. Lately, agribusinesses best friend, the USDA. has said growing hydroponically is OK, something they have been shooting for since 1990. Like this clown has been putting down for years. This guy is the front man for industrial agribusiness and does everything he can to pollute the organic movement. Beware of his BS because 90% of the time that's all it is. BTW: I've grown verifiable organically for over 40 years and until I got tired of paying the US Dept. of Assholes for my certification I was certified for 8 years. This clown is bogus through and through.

  5. If the plant is infested with mealy bugs or insects, spray milk diluted with water in the ratio 1: 10, every third day till they disappear. Three to four spraying will suffice. Insects cannot digest the fat content in milk and are killed. Enjoy gardening.

  6. Johnny my man, this past summer I started my first garden and from listening to you helped me look at gardening in a different way and it was a great success, next summer it will be a no till. πŸ‘πŸ’ͺπŸ™

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