FDA delays decision on Juul vape products, pulls nearly 1 million others


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  1. So wouldn’t something like “white claw” be something the fda should ban while they are at it? I mean 17 whopping flavors all which sound very appealing to children/teens. Not to mention teens are drinking like fish in high school and let me tell you they aren’t drinking Jameson they are drinking the flavored tasty stuff, no talk at all of banning such thing nor will they ever. But when something like vaping takes away sales of tobacco then oh boy will they do everything they can to make your life a living hell in hopes you’ll jump back on the cancer sticks.

  2. 99 percent of vapes have extremely high amounts of nicotine she said. Why does the media lie so much? I mean if they did proper research on what they're reporting on then they'd know that wasn't true. It's lie's and misinformation like this that harm the vaping industry and public health. Also the so called Dr that stated that vaping was bad for us. No one said it was perfectly safe it's about harm reduction. The royal collage of physicians have proven that vaping is at the least 95% safer than smoking traditional cigarettes so it stands to reason that switching to vaping would significantly improve public health.

  3. Your Dr actually knows nothing about vaping. Taking it off the market makes it easier for kids to get them. The black market doesn't ask for id or regulate their products.

    Keep in mind that the real reason why the delay on JUUL products specifically are because in late 2018 Malbaro bought a 35% stake in the company.
    This battle has been going on for years and it’s all a control prop in favor for big tobacco.

  5. Really I've been vaping for 16 years now and have not had one issue plus I haven't had a cold since I started vaping. Wouldn't you think that would be a health benefit? On top of that do they need a pull nebulizers now? you know considering some of the chemicals in that is what's in Vape juice. Downright ridiculous nobody denies it's 95% safer than cigarettes. Even the experts that are trying to get people off of cigarettes say this is safer to kids then cigarettes. More people die from cigarettes each year then died from covid-19. How many people died from strictly vaping last year? It's all about the money but guess what we've already got a way around it so the FDA can kick rocks.

  6. Imagine that – this is to “protect children” and yet they banned all the products EXCEPT the one the children actually do use.

    Everything this doctor is saying points to an enforcement problem, not the existence of the product.

    Why don’t we just ban water since kids drown every year.

  7. Over 32 yrs I smoked cigarettes! Vaping was the only product to help me quit smoking. You propaganda pushers need to get your facts straight!! 1 jull pod is equivelant to how many cigarettes? Oh and I suppose alcohol flavors and THC, CBD flavors are just fine? Hypocrits!!! Go to the Royal College of Physician's and educate yourself!!

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