The Afternoon Agenda: Should we legalise cannabis?

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  1. Well there is already medical cannabis on prescription for a flower bud in uk and it has transformed patients lifes for the better.
    That police officer is so ignorant of cannabis. The police CANNOT win the war on drugs our tax money is paying for that. By making it illegal your making it 10x more dangerous

  2. If it's legalised it can be taxed and cuts down on organised crime plus alcohol is proven to be worse for you. It's time to legalise and let people make their own decisions. The only reason the police are hostile is because if it was legal who they gonna arrest now?

  3. When the police officer is asked "should we have a prohibition on alcohol" he very quickly steers the conversation in a different direction. If a product is illegal then it can only be traded on the black market. By legalising cannabis people can purchase it safely from licensed traders and the black market will be reduced siignificantly. The key is getting the pricing right – if you charge so much that no-one can afford it then the black market will remain, as it does with tobacco. If tobacco was cheaper, there wouldn't be such a large black market for it. At the moment 100% of cannabis sales in the UK produces £0.00 for the Treasury – if it was legalised then it would produce income tax & VAT just like any other good.

  4. That cop was talking total shit, The interviewer pretty much debunked everything he said, but still he continued to sound like a broken record. If you let people grow their own or buy it from a legal dispensary, there would be no money in it for big illegal grow operations. Wish they would stop trying to demonise cannabis. I bet that cop still goes for a beer after work and that fine hey..

  5. the first guy knows what addiction is and its more than just words from a book repeated from a jobs worth in a fake title. im an alcholic and its hurmful to every one else around me if i drink, not smoking weed at home is my own business as it course no harm to anyone else. the gangs and police with the " war on drugs course the real harm

  6. OK so I live in Canada and cannabis has been legal now since 2018. Cannabis does NOT increase crime or violence … this copper (Steve) needs to look around the world where it is legal and the sky didn't fall. For price argument. a gram of legal cannabis in Canada is 3x cheaper than illegal sources. Legalizing makes total sense.

  7. Steve Turner is proof of how the police are failing week in and week out. He proves the definition of insanity by still waging war on drugs, a war that has made no impact. His arguments are conflicting his own points. The cigarette industry is 30% illegitimate and yet 100% of the cannabis industry is, still he won't yield on the fact that taking 70% of the cannabis industry off the streets and taxing it etc would make a difference.

  8. The police officer on here sounds so unintelligent and uneducated. There is so much information out there about it’s benefits and how alcohol and tobacco are worse it’s embarrassing seeing him trying to defend them over it. It’s absurd to think someone in a job like his can be so unintelligent and uneducated.

  9. You can legally change your state of consciousness with alcohol to your heart's content, a drug statistically proven to be far more detrimental to peoples physical health, and mental health. The fact that the UK government cannot apply the same laws and regulations we use for alcohol consumption to the recreational use of cannabis (a far safer drug than alcohol) is madness. Legalisation would create a safe abundance of regulated cannabis that would create an environment where illegal cannabis dealers would no longer be able to compete. There is only crime because there is no lawful way to sell it to people. I wonder how much criminal activity is associated with alcohol production in comparison to cannabis production? There are countless examples of legalisation working completely in various other parts of the world already. No authority should be able to deny people of their right to change their own conciousness, particularly with a drug that is proven to be safer than many other things that ARE legal within our society. The police probably couldn't face the amount of cuts that would follow if legalisation did occur, as currently millions of pounds a year a wasted on policing an issue that could be for the whole resolved quite easily.

  10. If people want a smoke at 1 o'clock in the morning and their (legal) supplier is closed (or he mentions buying it online with a two-day delay – what?), then those people will simply want some NOW. And so what – they're going to run around at 1 in the morning, interacting with criminal gangs – that largely wouldn't exist (for cannabis) if it were legal?

    This is nonsense. If people want a drink at 1 o clock in the morning but have been too foolish or disorganised to get their supplies in before the shops close, then they will curse themselves and do without. They aren't going to go out in the small hours and engage with criminal gangs for a bottle of whiskey – who likely wouldn't have it anyway.

    The man's a numpty.

  11. Why does the cop guy automatically come to the conclusion that if weed were legalised, it would be so expensive that there would still be a black market for unregulated supply? We know that this would be the case no doubt, like it is with tobacco and to a large part, with alcohol. That's because the government, and people in support of the gov, like this chap, are GREEDY.

    If weed was permitted to be supplied, by private farmers, without the imposition of huge taxes at the point of sale or licence fees for the supplier or farmer, then there is no reason why the price should be half or even less than half the current black market value. In addition if private citizens were allowed to grow their own (but not sell it, rather like home brew or home wine-making), then the cost (to themselves) would be even less than a legalised commercial supply.

    Everything he said, regarding current problems was fairly and squarely because of the laws against it, with perhaps the sole exception of driving under the influence (and flying, machinery, etc). Gangs aren't hacking into each other with machetes or shooting guns or smuggling people because of some ideological notion about 'weed man'. They are committing these serious crimes because of the black market money generated around ILLEGAL cannabis. If potatoes were thousands of pounds per kilo and people considered there were no alternatives and growing your own potatoes was illegal, then a black market and criminal enterprises would emerge around potatoes. That wouldn't be the fault of the spuds, but rather the laws surrounding them.

    How do people like this get into such important and powerful positions with regard to government and law? This is another issue that needs addressing. We should not have midwits running society.

  12. YES !! .Grow up , and let folk have their puff .

    If licenced properly , it could even turn out to be a cash cow for the government .Of course , Big Pharma will be angered because they won't be able to control or manipulate the industry ( boo hoo ) , but they're already making a lot of cash with the covid jabs anyway

  13. To the large pro-lobby on here; if you wish to end up psychotic (and you will) and with a better chance of lung cancer, carry on as though you were normal. Carry on with your drug-driving and slow reaction times. Just hope that that Crime Commissioner's colleagues catch up with you when you have your guaranteed accident and lose your job.

  14. Policing gateway drugs is a major waste of tax payer money , you'll never stop the sale of it NEVER , you can go and buy everything you want to cultivate your own , shops make money from drug paraphernalia everyday .I am not condoning the use of drugs but the police have been pissing in the wind for years when it comes to this.

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