GEF CEO statement to the high-level segment of CBD COP15 – Kunming, China, October 12, 2021
Statement by the GEF CEO to the high-level segment of the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP15) – Part 1 (virtual), Kunming, China, October 12, 2021 ABOUT …
Please, we thank you Sir Chairperson, for the statement explanation to us , regarding to the high-level segment of CBD COP15-Kunming, China, October 12, 2021, expressing about the Enabling activities for The GEF investment support between us, and we thanked so much . as a mechanism financial of convention to improve environmental problem on the following activities namely : climate change, biodiversity, land degradation, mercure etc…in improving global environment and development , in developing action through forest, pilot project between stakeholders involved to develop of pilot action on the project in the field to sustain on the following above mentionned activities.