CBD market is out of hand

don’t buy into the hype, if you are going to take CBD products do your research first because it’s just like any other product. Marketing.


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  1. Im fairly certain a few farms in the U.S will ship hemp flower to your door. Personally I would look into something like that if I was going to use CBD.

    Thanks for not jumping on the hype wagon, and trying to sell us on it.

  2. When I was young I also thought…..oh I’ll just crumble some hash into my coffee instead of smoking it……cut to about 2 hours later, and well I’m almost having an ego death type experience…..like my mind is going to sleep and then snapping back to awareness again every few minutes….talking to myself, my mind thinking about a hundred times faster than normal, it was NO JOKE! Not too much fun as I wasn’t aware it would happen, I’ve since done it again with intention and it was a better experience indeed. As for the CBD products……I think anything that is edible may well work, but these cbd bath salts and skin creams etc…..I scoff in the face of such shit……Although I know a guy who says the bath salts make him really chilled……I tell him it’s the damn bath not the “cbd” but hey if placebo works then each to their own….but I don’t like being ripped off so I stay away from cbd items that don’t make sense or that can’t be tested for purity or content.

  3. Relevant points and thanks for sharing. I agree with most of what you said. Leafly did a test of various CBD brand products to see their potency and near 50% of the CBD products did not contain near if any of the CBD advertised. It's all madness, the plant has been here with us for ages and now all of a sudden, look at all these fools who think they are genius for coming up with these "new" products. Not to sound pretentious, but they are late to the party.

  4. I know lots just getting into cannabis that affiliate smoking it being sorta sketchy but tincture or a gummy is okay despite fact smoking is easiest to keep from getting away from you. Whole thing is absurd. I have a close friend who's a HS vice principal and he will go out into his town and drink beers at a local bar and see parents there but he will never walk into weed store though he uses it and though it's legal here. We joke all the time he can go into work on a Monday and tell another teacher that him and a friend sat around drinking beer watching football all day Saturday but there's no way in hell he could say him and his friend sat around all day Saturday smoking weed and watching football. In fact he won't even tell his wife either instead he switches it to say he drinking beers

  5. Damn, I wish that you had made this video 2-3mos ago Carpo. I've been weening off my prescription meds since late 2020 & needed to find something without THC in it to help me with horrible anxiety, PTSD, & pain. Everyone told me CBD was the answer. So I went & spent a ridiculous amount of money (money from stimulus check) on CBD drops & CBD infused honey. Not only has it NOT helped me at all not even a little bit, the taste is absolutely discusting😝 If it worked, I wouldn't be complaining about the taste😉 It's crazy what they charge for just CBD ONLY product's. If it worked for me, I would've found a way to rob Peter to pay Paul just to buy what I needed. Ofcourse there are NO REFUNDS so that was a VERY expensive lesson. I know that some people swear by it & I'm glad it works for them🙏 I can't help but wonder if it's just in their head's…hmm😌 Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge of CBD. You are truly the ONLY person I trust when it comes to all the alternative "medicine's".

  6. Hemp extract is full spectrum and does contain significant amounts of CBD so that was a pretty bold statement. The bullshit sold on Amazon as CBD is actually hemp seed oil which only contains miniscule amounts of CBD.

    I do agree that it's the wild west I'm in several CBD groups and the people in it selling CBD are like vultures. It sucks that the little guy can't compete with the big guys prices.

    I buy from Lazarus in Portland because it's the most affordable company and I get 60% off from their discount program.

  7. Sprouts, natural grocers, etc. they all sell these CBD products with 10-25mg TOTAL in the entire product 😑 it’s pointless. Then they charge frikkin 50$ or more for it. It’s a massive rip off. Not to mention it’s suuuuuper cheap to produce.

  8. So many amazing growers out there who sell high quality organically grown bud for $30-$60 and oz. A bit more for indoor bud, and way cheaper if you can grow your own. I like to decarb my bud in the oven and make my own cannabutter, then make cookies, brownies, banana bread etc. It's so cheap. Can't believe how much these tinctures cost. People have no clue – the majority anyway.

    I should add this is hemp bud.

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