CBD Tattoo Glides. Yes or No? | That Tattoo Show #47

This week Paul rounds up a few CBD infused Process glides and gives his opinion. — Visit our Sponsors: https://www.electrumsupply.com https://rawpigments.co …


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  1. I’ve been looking forward to this episode. I’ve used inkeezze and the momba glide. I got the pack of five momba glides so I’ve been using them lately. Just finished my first jar. I’ve never had a glide like that get so much attention. All my clients are like what’s that slime stuff on the table. I suppose the green color and consistency gives the artist an opportunity to talk about the product with the client and let them know that it contains Cbd and omegas . I was a bit worried about getting 5 jars first time purchasing the product but I’m content with it. I do want to try tattoo kiss hopefully we can get a hold of it in the USA

  2. I like the mamba glide and had the same that a client thought it smelled like weed. I thought it was more lavender smell idk haha but all my clients liked it and some felt a reduction of pain to. I guess due to the reduction of soreness

  3. Awesome reviews! As someone who works in the medical cannabis industry you guys are spot on about the CBD component and what it does. 100% correct about the fact that there is no instant effect. All CBD effects are and have been proven to be a “time released” relief. I also believe that this ties into your other episodes about companies jumping on the train and seeing huge profits adding certain ingredients and marking up the prices, and I think the amount in the Tattoo Kiss product and the price of that product proves that fact! You guys are badass and keep on making awesome content. I look forward to every Sunday for you’re new episodes!!

  4. I did notice a reduction in redness using inkeeze cbd vs purple inkeeze or pink inkeeze. Especially in older clients and it does help in them not tapping out after 3hours. I like using it in black and gray shading especially. Another great episode and I will check the tattoo kiss one out.

  5. Great show was definitely curious about the findings and find the results interesting and informative keep up the great work guys the honesty from all the reviews are helping artist get real answers and save money.

  6. Great show was definitely curious about the findings and find the results interesting and informative keep up the great work guys the honesty from all the reviews are helping artist get real answers and save money.

  7. Thank you guys for this.. very informative. I’m using inkezze green glide atm . Heard about positive side of additional cbd into glide. Will need to try “tattoo kiss”
    Greetings from Eternal art Rugby guys.
    Btw.. is there any update on yours process butter/glide ? Or did I’ve missed it ?
    Great show guys.

  8. First comment… woohoo 🥳😂…. Very interesting and informative episode guys, I actually love the reviews as you are so transparent and open about your opinions of products and definitely have taken your recommendations into account when purchasing equipment… such as unicarts which I love and also I have been using the cbd oil mentioned by Paul in previous episodes which has been a huge help for me in getting a decent nights sleep, so a big thanks for that mate

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