A Whole Chicken Stuffed With Cannabis | Bong Appétit

For Abdullah’s birthday, Ry and Vanessa throw a Bedouin themed party and help chef Deb Mikhail stuff entire flame-roasted …


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  1. Move to Venice and you’ll become a “chef” lol , the food is ok but just lacks A LOOOOT OF FLAVOR , SPICES, CULTURE🤦🏽‍♂️🤌
    They wasting the weed for no reason lmao this shit is outta line

  2. I don't know if he ever did a video on this, but I was thinking because I really like your birthday video. Could you do a video I kind of talks about your life and what made you love cannabis so strongly. Maybe that's too personal

  3. You look healthy, I have a huge love for cannabis because of cannabis I don't have as many rage issues. Not to mention I've been dealing with some type of autoimmune disease that's still being figured out if it wasn't for cannabis I'd be physically hurting and having a lot more nausea. Happy birthday!!!!

  4. Please try a chicken batter it may be a trick but the right erbs and spices when crispy is awesome and the smell goes good wich makes me ultimately believe it's supposed to be originally eaten like this

  5. It’s amazing how folks in the west are enjoying life and celebrating weed without committing a crime. And the south are still giving folks 2-10 years for the same thing these guys are doing. Our country is disturbed.

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