How Steroids Became More Popular Than Heroin | News on Drugs

Steroids are more popular than heroin. In fact, by some estimates, they are the second most popular illicit drug, after cannabis.


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  1. She doesn't know what she;s talking about – steroids literally cause an upregulation of protein synthesis in the cells, they don't cause you to "work out harder".

  2. Funny how people don't know homebrewing is mixing the powder into oil. And underground labs are mostly just a regular guy in his kitchen

  3. 06:42 I agree but at the same time I don’t. The physical default for what’s the norm has been pushed where a lot of people nowadays strive for perfection, because people want to look photoshopped and/or like movie stars. The norm today is not what the norm was 5-10 years ago

  4. She said men get buff to get attention from gay men!!!! What is wrong with this fat woman? Vice should be sued for putting this woman on here and letting her say the ridiculous bullshit she said. Nothing she said was correct

  5. U will never see anyone shooting steroids into their ass at the gym. I've been to 20 different gyms over the past 20 years and I've never seen anything like that or even heard anyone talking about it. This woman is disgusting

  6. That girl at the start doesn't know anything about steroids today or the history of steroids. She is fat. Vice puts together some of the worst videos on the internet

  7. A danger noone really talks about but can kill you in a few short weeks of use is something called bodybuilders pneumonia. You can jack your immune system up with respect to the immune cells that destroy healthy and unhealthy tissue to destroy a virus. You can trigger a situation where you get what would otherwise be a normal virus or infection and instead of fighting it off you die. This can happen with only a few weeks of use. Please don't mess with steroids. It's not worth the risk.

  8. Very good guest you got on speaking about steroids. Altough she stumbled a bit on a part. "taking AAS and sitting on your ass won't build muscle".
    This statement is not true as there was a recent study which showed that pinning test E on stationary dudes made them build more muscle than a natural working out within the same timespan. However this probably only works to a certain point. For example, when you go on your second cycle i doubt you can gain any muscle without working out.

  9. I think the only thing you didn't discuss is the huge amount of women in the u.k. now taking steroids is the norm. There was even an episode about it on Vice when they did the steroid segments in f=different places. It was really intense how extreme England has gotten w/ it and I think because it wan't in the nrmal view of steroids (the hulking body builder roider) it might of been missed. Please check it out and I'll try to find the video and post it later. great series N.O.D. keep up the great work!

  10. What she says at 1:582:20 is not true. Surely the muscle you inject it in will not grow independently but there are studies showing that using anabolics without training, increases fatfreemass and strength (Bhasin et al. 1996 for example there are maybe newer studies i was too lazy searching). The increase in fatfreemass was higher in the group with anabolics+no training than in the group with placebo+training.

  11. This lady has obviously never read and study involving steroids use! You will get bigger by taking steroids and sitting on the couch doing nothing!

  12. The severe bad side effects come with high, long term usage. Using conservatively and rationally especially through the advice of a doctor will cut a lot of the risks considerably. Just be smart at the end of the day and understand that you can't take it forever.

  13. This is an embarrassment of a short. This woman knows nothing about steroids. She’s preaching needle exchanges when steroid users are extremely paranoid about using bad gear and needles.

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