Scientists Finally Explain Why We See Ghosts

If you are one of the few who claim to have seen a ghost scientists may finally have the reason why! Check out today’s new spooky …


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  1. there is no scientific evidence that if we shave our beard it will grow more thicker and longer but isnt it true? ofcourse .. just like that think about ghost , science cant prove there are ghosts can they ? but are they real ? decide for urself i dont know anyways

  2. You know what I dislike about the arrogance of science and scientists. It's that they have this boxed way of explaining everything according to their narrow minded perspectives. For instance , when they describe the elderly seeing there loved ones as being hallucinations.
    But you have to consider the many first responders stories who have responded to calls from the elderly person's husband who's led them into the house. Only to find out that the woman or man's loved ones have passed away. Then they see a picture of the man or woman who called gave their name led them into the house only to be told their loved ones passed away. The first responders see the pictures and recognize the deceased man or woman who called them and than led them into the house where the man or woman who was at the residence was staring at them from a picture. There are so many otherwise documented cases that are from reputable people with more than one person having seen the paranormal situation. It's almost as if scientists are seeing only what they want to see.

  3. I've never left a comment even though I subscribed. But I wonder how you know so much. I'm from Nigeria and I'm happy to see how much you about my country all facts and I saw her Lady Kio Kio. Trying to strangle my friend. And she ran away in her high heels and no face. But now I think I was hallucinating.

  4. Humans can't see ghost because ghosts are energys human can't see energy humans can't see sun energy but will fell it by heat same goes for ghosts can't see it but you can fell it some spirits can reveal them self by taking a form of shadow some stronger spirits can take form like a human you can make out eyes mouth and every but that really rare but in 99% they will show them self in shadow form human simply can't see energy and spirits are pure energy humans are 50% flesh and 50% spirit

  5. Since then though, there is proof. Ive been trying to find scientists to work with me on this but get turned away. Ive done many experiments even while people are dying or at the moment of death and have been able to even solve murders with the proof Ive gathered. Its very simple as well. Ive studdied recording their voices in all of these experiments. If it was fake, then why are the voices on playback in a hertz range we cant speak or hear in? Also, why have these voices been able to tell us things that solve cases or find missing people? Ive studied it for over a decade. I wish someone would work with me on this. It is the biggest discovery of our time. But due to scientists set belief systems, i cant find anyone.

  6. He said "That someone tells you about ghosts as a child, therefore you grow up believing in ghosts" But quite the contrary I was choked by a ghost when i was 7, an was not asleep nor experiencing "sleep paralysis" as i did not even go to bed yet. I told my parents and they said it was just my imagination. So, actually I was discouraged from ghost believing and I still believe in ghosts. I've seen them all through out my life. I've also interacted with people who i noticed disappear later. I wasn't the only person to interact with them either. And i don't believe in more then one person can have the same "hallucination" as this video puts it.

  7. I have something that follows me every place I go, it makes knocking sounds on the walls and ceiling. Other people hear it too when staying in the same room with me.
    Been a year since its been happening and I have to use ear plugs to sleep now.

  8. i hate that scientists explain everything. I believe in ghosts and i haven't only seen them, but my hand was burned when i touched a creature. i was with my friends in my room. only I saw a tall black disgusting creature, i touched it and my hand burnt. there was nothing hot in my room and it was real.
    also the same day when one of my friends came out of the bathroom, something pushed him and his back got marks

  9. In my country we have a Mythical spirit creature called "Batibat" who is too fat and they attack person inside his/her dream who are sleeping by sitting it on chest to death, and that's the legendary story why people die while sleeping.

  10. My belief on this is that they do exist however not everyone can see them.

    Video games are developed with different video stands (NTSC, PAL, SECAM) due to frame rates. Meaning people see things very differently thus the paranormal could reside along these lines as well.

  11. I dunno, my grandmother never believed in ghosts until she lived in an extremely haunted farmhouse as a young woman.

    Also, this episode doesn't talk much about hard evidence of ghosts such as videos of objects moving on their own, proven undoctored photographs, and other strange things that have been caught on film.

  12. ive always been very sensitive to the paranormal so ive seen and experienced lot of things and still do. I used to live with my grandmother in a very old house, there was said to be a portal in the cross base in the basement. Me and the rest of my family have seen A LOT of things in that house. I saw this one specific man a couple of times, he wore a basic tshirt and i think some basic jeans, kinda like a very basic 2000s outfit, from what i remember he had short hair. i cant remember everything 100% as i havent seen him in years, we moved out of the house in 2017. Anyways he always stood at the doorway of my room, and i could never look directly at him but i could see him from the corner of my eye. he didnt feel dangerous, he felt comforting. I have a ton of ghosty stories.

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