Peter Hitchens' Half Hour | 4-April-22

TalkTV launches on 25 April! Click to subscribe ▻ Columnist Peter Hitchens and Mike Graham discuss …


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  1. Isn't it funny, Boris and the political & media elites are all worried about the invasion of the Ukraine but have no interest in the invasion of the UK……. Little by little, we are being invaded by those that don't carry guns but something far more dangerous…… the religious barbarism of the third world with the intent to drag us down to their level, with the most uneducated in control…… It's not just fallacy, Gadaffi himself told us straight how the invasion of the west would be done but our elites didn't want to hear the message, and still don't! We are finished as an Anglo-Saxon country because of their happy-clappy wokery…….

  2. Very happy to hear Peter lay the blame for the destruction of the grammar schools on both main political parties. My local grammar school, which I was fortunate enough to attend, was closed by a Conservative Secretary of State, one Margaret Thatcher!

  3. Peter Hitchens still manages to talk more sense in half an hour than the vast majority of MSM manage in a day . Boris Johnson is a serial lier , so it's very difficult to believe him now and his overly simplistic view of the catastrophe engulfing the Ukraine as NATO and Russia slug it out convinces me of his un-worthiness to lead .FFS Conservatives sort yourselves out and get rid of this disingenuous neo socialist who is destroying your party from the top.

  4. If he isn’t selling for the pharma industry, the hire industry, you can be sure he will be promoting the military industrial complex. The Government is completely captured by corporations and in particular those that finance them-the big banks.

  5. How many of those soldiers trained are now Nazis. How much of the lethal military arsenal has been used to bomb and kill people in the Donbass. The road to hell is often paved with good intent

  6. Poor kids were discriminated against on a very high and cynical level. The 11+ even today has become a massive money making industry. I suppose all education has become a massive money making industry today, If you are unlucky enough to be born into poor family your life chances are still very much stacked against you. All the kids I knew growing up in the 80s who even got to take the 11+ were from middle class families.

  7. his final point I believe is that Russia deserves a space around it to indulge its paranoia and he has decided that Ukraine is that space to be sacrificed of course he as above believes it to be a space with people in it not a country I would urge everyone who thinks along these lines to understand and to try and confirm with some basic research that this space that mad Vlad and his Russian maniacs wish to maintain for their security includes Romania half of Poland all the Baltic states Finland Georgia Armenia Azerbaijan Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Tajikistan all the Baltic all the Black sea Moldova is this reasonable please ask yourself

  8. You can't teach people to be practical scientists or surgeons out of text books. It just doesn't work. All you can teach people in a classroom to do is to become teachers. If you tell boys who have not entered into puberty to study Romeo and Juliet, the archetypal teenage love story, don't be surprised if you switch off the pupil in ten seconds flat. They might have an IQ of 175, but if their balls haven't dropped, they won't be falling in love with women with rapidly developing breasts. Durrrrr. Learning how to recite poetry doesn't teach you how to think. The primary requirement to be a successful adult is being capable of discerning the truth and lies. That has absolutely zero to do with rote learning. Zero. Now I have a Cambridge degree, a PhD and an MBA and I never, ever used trigonometry in adult life ever (I got A s in every single mathematics exam I ever took at school). I never used a Wheatstone Bridge and recognising a variety of glacial moraines has really added zero to my adult prosperity whatsoever. But I had to trot all that out during O Level exams, none of which had any usefulness in real life. What's needed is NOT rote learning, what is needed is the ability to analyse and synthesise; the ability to handle uncertainty and a lack of complete information; the ability to stand up to bullies; and the ability to negotiate a decent contract with hard-boiled bastards.

  9. Well said, Peter Hitchens. Don't listen to the Communist Culture Gestapo, headed by Will Self, who actually is a hypocrite who sends his own kids to private schools.

  10. Bravo Peter! Skip counting is only adding and so they can't divide if they don't know their tables and flash cards for the first 300 words only allows natural readers to progress. Phonics is essential to teach those struggling but the use of cartoon characters does not allow them to see the position of the mouth in 3D. However, few teachers can even identify a syllable while telling children to split the words into chunks. BTW even the oil executives are now admitting that oil is NOT a fossil fuel but rather a mineral and will NOT run out. More propaganda. If Doris was supplying weapons why was he meeting with Putin all these years?

  11. It is absurd to say that we will not watch long interviews. Millions of us watch long interviews by Joe Rogan, or with Iain McGilchrist, Jordan Peterson, Eric Weinstein and others. The people running Talk Radio are ignorant muppets, along with the people running pretty much all the MSM.

  12. I'm afraid the general ability of the British people to analyze data, speech, and the written word is virtually none existent. In court it is not acceptable to ask a leading question. It should not be allowed for the teaching profession to put forward a leading argument..

  13. I seriously worry – despair – about our future with such abysmal education.

    If you think England is bad, try Scotland with the snp curriculum for "excrement! "

  14. The Americans want the war to go on as long as possible…..not only will companies like Raytheon (defense contractor) be making billions, but they're SELLING arms to the Ukrainians…..they're not free by any stretch of the imagination. The Ukraine has huge deposits of Lithium and Gallium….necessary for batterires, electric cars and computers. I imagine the Americans will be taking their money back in Gallium.

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