Crime Talk Weekly Recap…! Let's Talk About It!

Welcome to the most fact-driven and unbiased true crime and crime news channel on YouTube! Miss Winnie’s CBD dog & cat …


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  1. I've watched the will Smith video a few times but I have only just noticed how straight afterwards will walks off literally fluffing up his peacock feathers like hes just been a big man or something!

  2. Show me a scratch by a bush or branches (whatever) that has the finger spacing and width of a fingernail..come on…you can tell the difference! There is a definite spacing with a fingernail scratch (hold your hand in front of you look at the spacing between fingers…closed or opened)…not many branches are going to scratch you with spacing like that!

  3. Mr.Murdugh …has as many friends as he has deaths around himself…..gee how odd….not to mention that you called it all as it moves along.. Amazing what greed will do. That is the case with the prosecutors… Get out before getting embarrassed

  4. Scott, glad that was an April Fools joke because I was disappointed to hear you were going to end your podcast. I love your program and think you have interesting content. As an individual who has a college degree in Criminal Law, I find your recap and analysis very informative. Thank you for continuing this! We all love you too!😊

  5. I think the β€œslap heard around the world” was staged. They are actors after all. I do agree if it was me, I would have been charged. The Murdoch domino’s seem to be falling. How many more?!?

  6. I don't know why they're even continuing against Barry Morphew, I'm not saying whether I think he's guilty or innocent but I think they sure don't have enough to get past reasonable doubt…I think there's a LOT of doubt.

  7. Oh my goodness , you got me !! April fools didn't even come into my mind when you said it was your last show ! Good one πŸ˜„πŸ˜„. So glad it was a joke πŸ’œ

  8. What I find interesting is Will laughed about it as soon as Chris said the joke, but then all of a sudden he walks on stage. Why did he laugh about it if it pissed him off?

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