I'M BACK | where I've been the last 8 months

Let’s catch up, shall we? PODCAST WITH MARIALUISA: …


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  1. I loved you posted this. I was wanting to find out your thoughts on this. I just started seeing a therapist 3 weeks ago the first week she wanted me to ditch my Fitbit bc I am addicted to hitting steps and just constantly moving. Second week she wanted me to work on exercise so finish my regular routine t hi is week and starting Saturday take a full rest week and journal my thoughts after then push for 2 weeks. I'm so scared bc I've worked out for years and taking even 2 rest days scares me so so bad. I just workout to make sure I'm active to lose weight knowing if I eat it won't be held on my body. Just want to quit binge eating and stressing out everyday.

  2. ♥ this makes my heart so happy!! I have missed you and your videos so much. I think it's great that you took the time you needed and came back once you felt you were ready. Life is hard enough without putting extra expectations on yourself.

  3. Pace yourself with your tattoos! They’re the best but try to plan your sleeve to be one continuous story/work of art that works together. and maybe sneak in your little one-off pieces into it. It will be more aesthetically appealing long term!! And that matters…. Trust me 😅

  4. I feel that so much about the tattoos – been desperately craving my next one but know it will be expensive and almost a sleeve so trying to save up the monies. Love all the new developments. Also, the podcast with Marialuisa was epic. Thank you! Missed your content. 🙌

  5. Welcome Back! Looking forward to following your journey! Always remember to not make life harder than it already is! You got this!!!

  6. I relate very hard. Thank you for being transparent even if it's after the fact. I've been doing my own healing in the last couple years & it does really help get through the mental health dips to hear someone else also struggling sometimes even when they're doing all the right things & genuinely healing.

  7. I am so glad you are back!!!! I can definitely relate to the struggle of your body not moving in the way it always has. I just had a baby about 4 months ago and I really struggle with the fact that it takes so much effort to do what I perceive as little tasks in the gym. Trying to give myself more grace.

    Also tattoos are the worst because you can't stop and eventually we run out of space 🤣🤣🤣

  8. Thank you for sharing all your phases, it’s good to see you again on YouTube! 💕✨

    I’ve been off instagram since September 2021 and love it. I’m no longer mindlessly scrolling. Now if I want to relax with entertainment I go to YouTube or podcasts, which I love keeping up with you there ☺️ oh and your emails!

  9. Hey Emily! So stoked that you’re back on YouTube. Sounds like it’s been a very transformative time for you. Would love to know more about the process you took to work through your trauma. I’m in the early works of working through some things in my life as well. Not interested in details of what you experienced (obvi), more so what you’re doing – therapy, workbooks, etc.? Hope that’s not too intrusive as I know it’s a lot to deal with on your own, let alone share the process with others.

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