All animals, including vertebrates (mammals, birds, reptiles, and fish) and invertebrates (sea urchins, leeches, mussels, … source
Working since 2017 with Tokyo’s Waseda University, Nissan says it has developed and a new recycling process that represents a more efficient and cost-effective way of recovering rare-earth metals from electric motors. The process itself involves heating a used motor to 1,400 degrees Celsius (approximately 2,552 degrees Fahrenheit) so that it melts down. The company…
Better than CBD oil, better bioavailability than cbd oil. Relaxing, calming, good for sleep and pain relief. People should at least … source
In part two of his interview with Stephen, Keanu Reeves talks about leaping repeatedly from a tall building while filming stunts for … source
HEALTH DISCLALIMER All information and resources discussed in this YouTube video, its description, and comment section by … source
Cannabis medicine products ( Cannabis medicine products in India )for therapeutic use contain cannabinoids got from the … source
Liquid yang ngingetin gua di awal ngevape.
Blackties blackcurrant,athena,manhattan.
Kalo dibandingin lunar strawberry cheesecake sama ga mang ?
Luar biasa mamang andalan..
Masih setia dengan roundwire..
Salut ama mamang, roundwire memang paling jujur tanpa boost..
Salam hormat mamang andalan..
Tetaplah di roundwire-way..
salut tetep konsisten mang ariff buat kontennya.. 👍👍👍 mugi2 vapers2 baru makin loba
Bener mang, rasa ini seperti jaman jaman pake smoant battle star, dimana saat itu flavour sangat dijunjung tinggi timbang rasa manis banget flavournya kurang
Maaf nih mlenceng, pemula pgn mod ada beberapa pilihan yg enak mna yah
1. Vinci x 2
2. Argus pro
3. Smoke thallo s
4. Drag x pnp x-kit
5. Oxva origin x
6. Target 100
7. Rpm 80pro
8. Aegis boost pro
Jaman Tesla invader 3
Sama lunar manis mana? Bagiku lunar manis banget…
Ibu ibu dilarang hamil?
Mang review liquid saltnic daii atuh, butuh referensi(
Liquid pertama yang bikin jadi nonton review liquid
review liquid happi krunch atuh mang !
Liquid jaman pakek pico wkwkwk
Kalo orang jawa sendiri bilang nya bahaya laten🙄
Bedanya sama lunar apa ya,enakan mana?
Mang adain lagi flufy uniqorn lagi
genaheun asli setting na
Apaa beda nya sama yang Lunar hexom a? Kan sama strawberry cheesecake
Ciri khas mang Arif ,klw baca ,ibu² dilarang hamil 😂😂😂
akankah ada fluffy unicorn v2 (?) hmmm
Ibu² dilarang hamil 🤣🤣🤣, apa harus yang adik² 🤣🤣🤣
Komen dlu ye kan sebelum nonton
Mantab sih liquid lama dirilis lagi🔥
Ngevape jaman" pake mod wismec jaybo 😂😂 rasa ini dulu buming banget.
Kok bisa salah cetak 50:50 sama 70:30 🙃
kapan rilis mang arip rda nya ?
Kang mau nanya. Target 200 aa plus rda pake mode apa?
1:13 ibu ibu dilarang hamil wkwkwk, punah manusia kang 😂
Mantap laten mh apalagi nic 6 udah abis 3 botol madep
1:12 ibu ibu dilarang hamil wkwkw
Mang arif cobain liquid opapa dong liquid legend
Mantap cui